pysqlite-1.1.7 does not support sqlite.sqlite_version

Issue #331 resolved
Former user created an issue

pysqlite version 1.1.7 does not support the sqlite.sqlite_version attribute used in lib/sqlalchemy/databases/ SQLiteDialect to detect whether "supports_cast" is set.

Will attached a patch to disable "supports_cast" if the attribute is not there.

pysqlite-1.1.7 is shipped with a number of linux distributions including Fedora Core 5 and 6, Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 (and likely RHEL 5 as well) so I think supporting it is worhwhile.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm using FC6, and this worked out for me:

    yum install python-sqlite2

    (from the official "extras" repository)

    But if you HAVE to run with 1.1.7, this won't help of course.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    pysqlite 1.1.7 is so insanely old i really dont care to support it, its better than an error gets thrown IMHO. redhat/fedora distros notwithstanding.

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