Howto: Difficult self referencing queries

Issue #3311 closed
Dani Hodovic created an issue

I'm wondering how the following two queries could be elegantly composed in SqlAlchemy.

SELECT t1.* FROM mytable t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN mytable t2 ON (t1.UserId = t2.UserId AND t1."Date" < t2."Date") WHERE t2.UserId IS NULL;


select userid, value from users u1 where date = (select max(date) from users u2 where u1.userid = u2.userid)

The queries can be found here:

I think I've figured out query 1, but I'm not sure if my solution is optimal (can post if needed, don't want to make a wall of text). In general how do you self reference a table in a subquery as in example 2?


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