combination of and_() and or_() produces unexpected sql output

Issue #3353 closed
Peter Grace created an issue

For the given filter spec, the sql generated does not match what I would expect to see:

.filter(or_( \
            and_(func.len(ExtendedCDR.Source) > 6, ExtendedCDR.DestinationContext=='ael-outbound-dial'), \
            and_(func.len(ExtendedCDR.Destination)>6,ExtendedCDR.DestinationContext=='ael-std-extension') \
        ) \

This produces:

    (len(cdr_extended.[Source]) > ? AND 
    cdr_extended.[DestinationContext] = ? OR 
        len(cdr_extended.[Destination]) > ? AND 
    cdr_extended.[DestinationContext] = ?) 

Note only a single set of parantheses wrapping the logic, whereas I would expect to see:

(len(cdr_extended.[Source]) > ? AND cdr_extended.[DestinationContext] = ?)
(len(cdr_extended.[Destination]) > ? AND cdr_extended.[DestinationContext] = ?)

If I am misunderstanding how and_ and or_ are supposed to work together, can you set me straight, or alternatively let me know how I can cause sqlalchemy to emit the query with the proper order of operations?

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Here's a test case that illustrates every possible combination of values for both expressions and shows that on Postgresql at least they are evaluated as equivalent regardless of parenthesization:

    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", echo='debug')
    expr1 = "%(a)s AND %(b)s OR %(c)s AND %(d)s"
    expr2 = """
    (%(a)s AND %(b)s)
    (%(c)s AND %(d)s)
    def permutations():
        for a in (False, True):
            for b in (False, True):
                for c in (False, True):
                    for d in (False, True):
                        yield {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "d": d}
    for values in permutations():
        print("\n------------------ %(a)s %(b)s %(c)s %(d)s -----------" % values)
        test_expr1 = expr1 % values
        test_expr2 = expr2 % values
        r1 = e.scalar("SELECT %s" % test_expr1)
        r2 = e.scalar("SELECT %s" % test_expr2)
        assert r1 == r2
        r3 = e.scalar("SELECT (%s) = (%s)" % (test_expr1, test_expr2))
        assert r3
        print("Result: %s" % r1)

    here's a gist showing the output:

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