detecting whether outerjoin finds a match or not

Issue #3479 closed
Tim Tisdall created an issue

When doing an outerjoin it's possible an object is returned as a None. I wanted to filter rows based on whether one of the objects would be returned or would be a None so I tried something like the following:

    TableB == None

Looking at the resulting SQL, it seems the TableB == None filter is translated into false = 1. TableB !=None seems to translate into 1 = 1.

It seems that the way to get this to work is:

    TableB.some_primary_key == None

Essentially you need to test for None on an attribute that should never be None. However, that seems a little confusing as the result of the query is not a TableB object with that attribute equal to None, but the whole object is instead None.

This issue is a feature request to make the top-most query work as expected. This could be done by translating TableB == None into a test for a NULL value on any of the primary keys of TableB.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    hi! thanks for reporting this. However, in this case we must consider the realities of Python. I'm assuming your "TableB" here is a mapped class, and not a Table object. If SQLAlchemy were to take everyone's mapped classes, and in all cases monkeypatch a special __eq__() method onto all mapped classes implicitly that does something totally unusual, I hope you'll agree people would find that to be very surprising. SQLAlchemy's mechanism of intercepting operators like == relies upon these special methods in order to produce special objects in these cases; in the case of SQLAlchemy's built-in clause objects, this is not controversial, but in the case of mapped classes, it would be overstepping our bounds to assume such a thing.

    You are free to create your own __eq__() method on your TableB class that produces the SQL expression that you'd like here, if you really want to go that way.

  2. Tim Tisdall reporter

    ^_^ I thought there might be a reason why this wasn't already done, but not knowing the magic behind sqla I thought I'd post a request any way.

    I guess you could do it with a .isNone() sub-method on the mapped class or a 'isNone()' that accepted a mapped class and returned filters checking for NULL's on the primary keys.

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