Rewrite the Views Wiki page

Issue #3600 closed
Sandeep Shantharam created an issue

The Views Wiki Page -

Its Outdated and Confusing for the following things;

  • "execute_at" is deprecated since 0.7
  • Primary Keys need to be defined as of now for views with mapper_args
     __mapper_args__ = { 'primary_key':[stuff_view.c.count] }

P.S. There is no proper understanding of how to define and write "Views".

P.P.S There is no proper documentation to understand "selectables"

Comments (5)

  1. Sandeep Shantharam Account Deactivated reporter

    Sure Mike, I was somehow able to complete the tasks. As a beginner, Its really confusing - how to include the event listeners in the project workflow. I have implemented a raw sql solution for VIEWS, hopefully I can understand the selectables better. Would really appreciate, if you have any additional documentation for "Selectables".

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