add a new AttributeEvent for the generic "flag_modified" event handler

Issue #3617 duplicate
0xANDREW NA created an issue

(SQLAlchemy 1.0.11)

Column definition in model:

public_data = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSON), nullable=False)

Event listener in same model file:

def __listener(target, value, oldvalue, initiator):
    ... do some stuff

event.listen(User.public_data, 'set', __listener)

Change that should trigger set event:

# this doesn't work
user.public_data['address'] = ''

# but this works
user.public_data = {}

The event is never triggered when only a JSON attribute is modified. I stepped through the SQLAlchemy code and found that after the first line above is executed, the model's changed() method is called, which I assume should be responsible for the event firing. Am I doing something wrong or is this not supported?

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    the "set" event is only for normal attribute set events, it is not integrated into the sqlalchemy.ext.mutable extension. The mutable handler calls the "flag_modified" API feature of the attributes package which has no integration with the AttributeEvent suite at this time.

    Pull requests (with at least some tests in test/orm/test_attributes and/or test/ext/test_mutable, both will be needed ultimately) are welcome in order to expedite the production of this new feature, thanks!

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