multiple load_only() in Query.options(...) ignore all but a single of the load_only()'s.

Issue #3679 resolved
John Prior created an issue

I'm trying to load specific columns from two joined tables. The load_only() specification is respected for one table, but not the other:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, Load, relationship, load_only

Base = declarative_base()

class Table1(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'table1'
    global_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    table1_val1 = Column(String)
    table1_val2 = Column(String)
    r1 = relationship('Table2', backref = 'r2')

class Table2(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'table2'
    global_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('table1.global_id'), primary_key=True)
    table2_val1 = Column(String)
    table2_val2 = Column(String)

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
some_engine = create_engine('sqlite://')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=some_engine)
session = Session()

session.add(Table1(table1_val1='1val1',table1_val2='1val2',r1=[Table2(table2_val1='2val1', table2_val2='2val2')]))
query = session.query(Table1).options(joinedload('r1',innerjoin=True),Load(Table1).load_only('table1_val1'),Load(Table2).load_only('table2_val1'))

foo = query.all()
print foo[0].table1_val2



You can also see the not-desired field in the SELECT statement output by logging:

INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:SELECT table1.global_id AS table1_global_id, table1.table1_val1 AS table1_table1_val1, table2_1.global_id AS table2_1_global_id, table2_1.table2_val1 AS table2_1_table2_val1, table2_1.table2_val2 AS table2_1_table2_val2 FROM table1 JOIN table2 AS table2_1 ON table1.global_id = table2_1.global_id

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    the Table2 here has to be specified on its complete path. Also, the Session here has the attribute anyway because it isn't being expired. Also, calling "some_object.someattr" loads the attribute unconditionally. The test with all these issues corrected looks like:

            table1_val1='1val1', table1_val2='1val2',
            r1=[Table2(table2_val1='2val1', table2_val2='2val2')]))
    query = session.query(Table1).options(
        joinedload('r1', innerjoin=True).load_only('table2_val1'),
    foo = query.all()
    assert 'table1_val2' not in foo[0].__dict__
    assert 'table2_val2' not in foo[0].r1[0].__dict__

    turn on echo and you'll see the attribute is not there.

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