Incorrect processing of has_key parameter on JSONB columns with custom types

Issue #3694 closed
Arnout van Meer created an issue

In our codebase we have a custom type based on JSONB and noticed has_key wasn't working. This seems to be due to parameter to has_key getting run through the bind processor which results in unintended quoting of the parameter string.

Repro case, tested with 1.0.12:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Table, MetaData, select, types
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB

class CustomJSONBType(types.TypeDecorator):
    impl = JSONB

e = create_engine("postgresql://localhost/jsonb_test", echo=True)
c = e.connect()
t = c.begin()

# this works
table = Table('jsonb_test', MetaData(), Column('data', JSONB))

c.execute(table.insert(), [{"data": {"x": 2}}])

assert c.scalar(select([table]).where('x')))

# this doesn't work
table = Table('custom_jsonb_test', MetaData(), Column('data', CustomJSONBType))

c.execute(table.insert(), [{"data": {"x": 2}}])

assert c.scalar(select([table]).where('x')))

SQL output in working case:

INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT 
FROM jsonb_test 
WHERE ? %(data_1)s
INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {'data_1': 'x'}

In broken case:

INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT 
FROM custom_jsonb_test 
WHERE ? %(data_1)s
INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {'data_1': '"x"'}

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    mmmmm nope, this is a caveat, but we have a big red warning for it here:


    Note that the behavior of coerce_compared_value is not inherited by default from that of the base type. If the TypeDecorator is augmenting a type that requires special logic for certain types of operators, this method must be overridden. A key example is when decorating the postgresql.JSON and postgresql.JSONB types; the default rules of TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value() should be used in order to deal with operators like index operations:

    class MyJsonType(TypeDecorator):
        impl = postgresql.JSON
        def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
            return self.impl.coerce_compared_value(op, value)

    Without the above step, index operations such as mycol['foo'] will cause the index value 'foo' to be JSON encoded.

    the above method will fix your example, thanks!

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