multiple insert fails with percentage symbol (%) in column name

Issue #3702 closed
Lee created an issue

I am trying to use sqlalchemy (version 1.0.12) to perform a multi-insert on a table that has columns with percentage symbols in the column names. Rows can be inserted one at a time without a problem, but when the performing a multi-insert with con.execute() a OperationalError exception is raised.

The code below reproduces the problem. Two tables are created, one with percentage names in columns, the other without. 1. The multi-insert on the table with % in the column names fails. 2. Inserting rows one by one in the table with the % in column names works. 3. Multi-insert on the table without % in column names works.

from sqlalchemy import *

USER = 'root'
HOST = ''
DBNAME = 'test'

connect_str = "mysql://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}/{DBNAME}".format(
    USER = USER,
    HOST = HOST,

engine = create_engine(connect_str, echo = False)

metadata = MetaData()

table_with_percent = Table('table_with_percent', metadata,
     Column('A%', Integer),
     Column('B%', Integer)

table_no_percent = Table('table_no_percent', metadata,
     Column('A', Integer),
     Column('B', Integer)

metadata.create_all(engine, checkfirst = True)

# Create rows to be inserted

rows = [(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)]
table_with_percent_rows = [dict(zip(table_with_percent.c.keys(), row)) for row in rows]
table_no_percent_rows = [dict(zip(table_no_percent.c.keys(), row)) for row in rows]

# Try the inserts

con = engine.connect()

# 1. THIS FAILS! Mutli insert on table with percentage symbol in column names.
# OperationalError: (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'A%%' in 'field list'") [SQL: u'INSERT INTO table_with_percent (`A%%`, `B%%`) VALUES (%s, %s)'] [parameters: ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))]
con.execute(table_with_percent.insert(), table_with_percent_rows)

# 2. But the rows can be inserted one by one:
for row in table_with_percent_rows:
    con.execute(table_with_percent.insert(), row)

# 3. This works! Multi insert on table with no percent in columns
con.execute(table_no_percent.insert(), table_no_percent_rows)


Comments (7)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    can you please confirm with an alternate driver such as pymysql, thanks. the function you're using might not be supported by the driver as percent signs are significant in the SQL itself.

  2. Lee reporter

    mysql-python and pymysql fail, ourmysql and mysqlconnector work. So this is an issue/limitation with the drivers and not sqlalchemy itself?

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    not necessarily. this s a product of the bound parameter format accepted by some DBAPIs (e.g. %s). However if the statement works with "execute()" and not with "executemany()" that's more of a driver issue and I seem to recall I might have seen this. Let me try it out.

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner

    so this is the driver, because you can see in the echo SQLAlchemy is correctly escaping the percent signs but different result for the style of execution:

    INSERT INTO table_with_percent (`A%%`, `B%%`) VALUES (%s, %s)
    2016-05-04 12:22:10,068 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine (1, 2)
    2016-05-04 12:22:10,069 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine COMMIT
    2016-05-04 12:22:10,072 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INSERT INTO table_with_percent (`A%%`, `B%%`) VALUES (%s, %s)
    2016-05-04 12:22:10,073 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ((3, 4), (5, 6))
    2016-05-04 12:22:10,073 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ROLLBACK

    the next step is to confirm this with a straight DBAPI-only test, for the "mysqlclient" and "pymysql" projects, and report it up to their issue tracker.

    are the percent signs here because of a pandas-based use case?

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