PG needs to check both TypeDecorator and Variant subclasses for correct Integer subclass

Issue #3739 resolved
Franz_G NA created an issue

The DDL compiler for the "postgresql" dialect does not render BIGSERIAL for biginteger primary keys if the column type object has been produced by ".with_variant()".

From the sample script below: I would expect that all tables "table1", "table2" and "table3" have the "key" column created as "BIGSERIAL", but only "table1" is created as such.

from __future__ import print_function

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, BigInteger, create_engine, MetaData
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable

e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test")

meta = MetaData()

# Correctly renders as BIGSERIAL by the posgresql dialect
KeyType1 = BigInteger
# Should be rendered as BIGSERIAL by the postgresql dialect
KeyType2 = BigInteger().with_variant(Integer(), "sqlite")
# Should be rendered as BIGSERIAL by the postgresql dialect
KeyType3 = Integer().with_variant(BigInteger(), "postgresql")

table1 = Table("table1", meta,
               Column("key", KeyType1, primary_key=True))

table2 = Table("table2", meta,
               Column("key", KeyType2, primary_key=True))

table3 = Table("table3", meta,
               Column("key", KeyType3, primary_key=True))

# All three tables should be rendered with a BIGSERIAL on
# column "key". But only "table1" is rendered correctly.
# "table2" and "table3" are rendered with "SERIAL".

I am currently using SQLAlchemy 1.0.13.

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