exclude relationship model sqlalchemy

Issue #3758 closed
Ramin Farajpour Cami created an issue


i study this, i doing exclude one filed in my relation model "Comments --> Attach --> ImageAttachReport " binary because this is a large for select my query,

sqlalchemy not support exclude columns in relationship models?

class Comments(Base):

        __tablename__ = 'comments'

        ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
        CommentTime = Column(Time)
        CommentDate = Column(Date)
        Message = Column(String(4000))
        ReportID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('reports.ID'))
        Report = relationship("Reports",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
        Usertype = Column(Integer)
        UserID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.ID'))
        User = relationship("Users",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
        Attach = relationship("Attachments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=True)
class Attachments(Base):

        __tablename__ = 'attachments'

        ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
        CommentID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('comments.ID'))
        Comment = relationship("Comments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
        ImageAttachReport = Column(Binary(1000))
        ImageName = Column(String(255))

Comments (9)

  1. Ramin Farajpour Cami reporter

    query :

                   Session = sessionmaker(bind=connect.ConnectorMySql())
                    ses = Session()
                    exclude = ['ImageAttachReport']   ## Here for avoid this Column 
                    our_model =  ses.query(Comments).filter_by(ReportID=pID).all() ## How ?
                    return our_model
  2. Ramin Farajpour Cami reporter

    Thanks , i know i try a long time but not work :( are you sure? again i see value "ImageAttachReport" select on database

    class Comments(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'comments'
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
            CommentTime = Column(Time)
            CommentDate = Column(Date)
            Message = Column(String(4000))
            ReportID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('reports.ID'))
            Report = relationship("Reports",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            Usertype = Column(Integer)
            UserID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.ID'))
            User = relationship("Users",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            Attach = relationship("Attachments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=True)
    class Attachments(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'attachments'
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
            CommentID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('comments.ID'))
            Comment = relationship("Comments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            ImageAttachReport = Column(Binary(1000))
            ImageName = Column(String(255))
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=connect.ConnectorMySql())
                    ses = Session()
                    our_model = ses.query(pModel).options(defaultload(pModel.Attach).defer('ImageAttachReport'))
                    our_model =  our_model.filter_by(ReportID=pID).all()
                    return our_model
  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    can't reproduce. using a complete mcve:

    from sqlalchemy import *
    from sqlalchemy.orm import *
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    Base = declarative_base()
    class Users(Base):
            __tablename__ = "users"
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
    class Reports(Base):
            __tablename__ = "reports"
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
    class Comments(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'comments'
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
            CommentTime = Column(Time)
            CommentDate = Column(Date)
            Message = Column(String(4000))
            ReportID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('reports.ID'))
            Report = relationship("Reports",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            Usertype = Column(Integer)
            UserID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.ID'))
            User = relationship("Users",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            Attach = relationship("Attachments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=True)
    class Attachments(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'attachments'
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
            CommentID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('comments.ID'))
            Comment = relationship("Comments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            ImageAttachReport = Column(Binary(1000))
            ImageName = Column(String(255))
    e = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True)
    s = Session(e)
    pModel = Comments
    query = s.query(pModel).options(defaultload(pModel.Attach).defer('ImageAttachReport'))
    query = query.filter_by(ReportID=5)

    query output is:

    SELECT comments."ID" AS "comments_ID", comments."CommentTime" AS "comments_CommentTime", comments."CommentDate" AS "comments_CommentDate", comments."Message" AS "comments_Message", comments."ReportID" AS "comments_ReportID", comments."Usertype" AS "comments_Usertype", comments."UserID" AS "comments_UserID", reports_1."ID" AS "reports_1_ID", users_1."ID" AS "users_1_ID", comments_1."ID" AS "comments_1_ID", comments_1."CommentTime" AS "comments_1_CommentTime", comments_1."CommentDate" AS "comments_1_CommentDate", comments_1."Message" AS "comments_1_Message", comments_1."ReportID" AS "comments_1_ReportID", comments_1."Usertype" AS "comments_1_Usertype", comments_1."UserID" AS "comments_1_UserID", attachments_1."ID" AS "attachments_1_ID", attachments_1."CommentID" AS "attachments_1_CommentID", attachments_1."ImageName" AS "attachments_1_ImageName" 
    FROM comments LEFT OUTER JOIN reports AS reports_1 ON reports_1."ID" = comments."ReportID" LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS users_1 ON users_1."ID" = comments."UserID" LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments AS attachments_1 ON comments."ID" = attachments_1."CommentID" LEFT OUTER JOIN comments AS comments_1 ON comments_1."ID" = attachments_1."CommentID" 
    WHERE comments."ReportID" = ?

    if I remove the options, then we can see ImageAttachReport shows up:

     SELECT comments."ID" AS "comments_ID", comments."CommentTime" AS "comments_CommentTime", comments."CommentDate" AS "comments_CommentDate", comments."Message" AS "comments_Message", comments."ReportID" AS "comments_ReportID", comments."Usertype" AS "comments_Usertype", comments."UserID" AS "comments_UserID", reports_1."ID" AS "reports_1_ID", users_1."ID" AS "users_1_ID", comments_1."ID" AS "comments_1_ID", comments_1."CommentTime" AS "comments_1_CommentTime", comments_1."CommentDate" AS "comments_1_CommentDate", comments_1."Message" AS "comments_1_Message", comments_1."ReportID" AS "comments_1_ReportID", comments_1."Usertype" AS "comments_1_Usertype", comments_1."UserID" AS "comments_1_UserID", attachments_1."ID" AS "attachments_1_ID", attachments_1."CommentID" AS "attachments_1_CommentID", attachments_1."ImageAttachReport" AS "attachments_1_ImageAttachReport", attachments_1."ImageName" AS "attachments_1_ImageName" 
    FROM comments LEFT OUTER JOIN reports AS reports_1 ON reports_1."ID" = comments."ReportID" LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS users_1 ON users_1."ID" = comments."UserID" LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments AS attachments_1 ON comments."ID" = attachments_1."CommentID" LEFT OUTER JOIN comments AS comments_1 ON comments_1."ID" = attachments_1."CommentID" 
    WHERE comments."ReportID" = ?
  4. Ramin Farajpour Cami reporter

    Thanks Again @zzzeek , yes i see query on select without "ImageAttachReport " but i see "ImageAttachReport " output fetch from database , and access to image blob from database , please see image

    SELECT comments."ID" AS "comments_ID", comments."CommentTime" AS "comments_CommentTime", comments."CommentDate" AS "comments_CommentDate", comments."Message" AS "comments_Message", comments."ReportID" AS "comments_ReportID", comments."Usertype" AS "comments_Usertype", comments."UserID" AS "comments_UserID", siteowners_1."ID" AS "siteowners_1_ID", siteowners_1."FirstName" AS "siteowners_1_FirstName", siteowners_1."LastName" AS "siteowners_1_LastName", siteowners_1."Email" AS "siteowners_1_Email", siteowners_1."Phone" AS "siteowners_1_Phone", siteowners_1."Title" AS "siteowners_1_Title", siteowners_1."Message" AS "siteowners_1_Message", siteowners_1."OrganizationName" AS "siteowners_1_OrganizationName", siteowners_1."LinkWeb" AS "siteowners_1_LinkWeb", siteowners_1."IsActive" AS "siteowners_1_IsActive", siteowners_1."SiteUserName" AS "siteowners_1_SiteUserName", siteowners_1."UserVerifyed" AS "siteowners_1_UserVerifyed", siteowners_1."AboutSite" AS "siteowners_1_AboutSite", siteowners_1."LogoSiteImage" AS "siteowners_1_LogoSiteImage", siteowners_1."RequestDate" AS "siteowners_1_RequestDate", siteowners_1."RequestTime" AS "siteowners_1_RequestTime", siteowners_1."RequestAcceptDate" AS "siteowners_1_RequestAcceptDate", siteowners_1."RequestAcceptTime" AS "siteowners_1_RequestAcceptTime", siteowners_1."Policy" AS "siteowners_1_Policy", siteowners_1."Domains" AS "siteowners_1_Domains", siteowners_1."DateExpireSite" AS "siteowners_1_DateExpireSite", siteowners_1."MinAmount" AS "siteowners_1_MinAmount", siteowners_1."DescAmount" AS "siteowners_1_DescAmount", siteowners_1."UserID" AS "siteowners_1_UserID", users_1."ID" AS "users_1_ID", users_1."Username" AS "users_1_Username", users_1."Email" AS "users_1_Email", users_1."Name" AS "users_1_Name", users_1."Password" AS "users_1_Password", users_1."AboutMe" AS "users_1_AboutMe", users_1."PersonalSite" AS "users_1_PersonalSite", users_1."Expert" AS "users_1_Expert", users_1."ImageProfile" AS "users_1_ImageProfile", users_1."Date" AS "users_1_Date", users_1."Type" AS "users_1_Type", users_1."IsActive" AS "users_1_IsActive", bugs_1."ID" AS "bugs_1_ID", bugs_1."Title" AS "bugs_1_Title", bugs_1."Description" AS "bugs_1_Description", status_1."ID" AS "status_1_ID", status_1."Description" AS "status_1_Description", status_1."Title" AS "status_1_Title", status_1."Fatherid" AS "status_1_Fatherid", reports_1."ID" AS "reports_1_ID", reports_1."Date" AS "reports_1_Date", reports_1."Time" AS "reports_1_Time", reports_1."Thanks" AS "reports_1_Thanks", reports_1."Points" AS "reports_1_Points", reports_1."Amount" AS "reports_1_Amount", reports_1."Title" AS "reports_1_Title", reports_1."SiteID" AS "reports_1_SiteID", reports_1."UserID" AS "reports_1_UserID", reports_1."BugID" AS "reports_1_BugID", reports_1."StatusID" AS "reports_1_StatusID", users_2."ID" AS "users_2_ID", users_2."Username" AS "users_2_Username", users_2."Email" AS "users_2_Email", users_2."Name" AS "users_2_Name", users_2."Password" AS "users_2_Password", users_2."AboutMe" AS "users_2_AboutMe", users_2."PersonalSite" AS "users_2_PersonalSite", users_2."Expert" AS "users_2_Expert", users_2."ImageProfile" AS "users_2_ImageProfile", users_2."Date" AS "users_2_Date", users_2."Type" AS "users_2_Type", users_2."IsActive" AS "users_2_IsActive", comments_1."ID" AS "comments_1_ID", comments_1."CommentTime" AS "comments_1_CommentTime", comments_1."CommentDate" AS "comments_1_CommentDate", comments_1."Message" AS "comments_1_Message", comments_1."ReportID" AS "comments_1_ReportID", comments_1."Usertype" AS "comments_1_Usertype", comments_1."UserID" AS "comments_1_UserID", attachments_1."ID" AS "attachments_1_ID", attachments_1."CommentID" AS "attachments_1_CommentID" 
    FROM comments LEFT OUTER JOIN reports AS reports_1 ON reports_1."ID" = comments."ReportID" LEFT OUTER JOIN siteowners AS siteowners_1 ON siteowners_1."ID" = reports_1."SiteID" LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS users_1 ON users_1."ID" = reports_1."UserID" LEFT OUTER JOIN bugs AS bugs_1 ON bugs_1."ID" = reports_1."BugID" LEFT OUTER JOIN status AS status_1 ON status_1."ID" = reports_1."StatusID" LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS users_2 ON users_2."ID" = comments."UserID" LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments AS attachments_1 ON comments."ID" = attachments_1."CommentID" LEFT OUTER JOIN comments AS comments_1 ON comments_1."ID" = attachments_1."CommentID" 
    WHERE comments."ReportID" = :ReportID_1


    what happened here @zzzeek ?

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I see many more tables in that query. you'd need to show me a complete code example that includes all those tables "users", "siteowners", "bugs", "reports", etc. I'd imagine that you aren't applying defaultload() the right way for your specific query or perhaps something else is eagerly loading to Attach.

  6. Mike Bayer repo owner

    can you jiust take the test case I gave you and work with that? It shows that the option works. You need to work with it, add in all of your models until you figure out what's different about it vs. your actual program (this is "divide and conquer").

  7. Ramin Farajpour Cami reporter

    Thanks Again, No ! Ok please look it,

    from sqlalchemy import *
    from sqlalchemy.orm import *
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
    Base = declarative_base()
    class Users(Base):
            __tablename__ = "users"
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
    class Reports(Base):
            __tablename__ = "reports"
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
    class Comments(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'comments'
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
            # CommentTime = Column(Time)
            # CommentDate = Column(Date)
            Message = Column(String(4000))
            ReportID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('reports.ID'))
            Report = relationship("Reports",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            Usertype = Column(Integer)
            UserID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.ID'))
            User = relationship("Users",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            Attach = relationship("Attachments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=True)
    class Attachments(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'attachments'
            ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
            CommentID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('comments.ID'))
            Comment = relationship("Comments",lazy="joined",join_depth=2, uselist=False)
            ImageAttachReport = Column(String(1000))
            # ImageName = Column(String(255))
    e = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True)
    # Session = sessionmaker(bind=e)
    s = Session(e)
    ed_user = Users()
    dd = Reports()
    fd = Comments(Message="asdasd",ReportID=1,UserID=1)
    att = Attachments(CommentID=1,ImageAttachReport="asdasdasdsad")
    pModel = Comments
    query = s.query(pModel).options(defaultload(pModel.Attach).defer('ImageAttachReport'))
    query = query.filter_by(ReportID=1)
    lst = query.all()
    print lst[0].Attach[0].ImageAttachReport
    print "Done"
  8. Mike Bayer repo owner

    OK is the question, "why is "asdasdasdsad" coming back" ? the answer is because the object is already loaded in memory. no SQL is emitted for that value.

    if you do this:

    att = Attachments(CommentID=1,ImageAttachReport="asdasdasdsad")

    now you'll see the first query as before, but you will also see:

    SELECT attachments."ImageAttachReport" AS "attachments_ImageAttachReport" 
    FROM attachments 
    WHERE attachments."ID" = ?

    which is the lazy load.

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