Fetch Entity from returning clause

Issue #3775 closed
Brice Maron created an issue


i wanted to use an "upsert" in my code and having an ORM entity back so i tried to use the methode described here: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/changelog/migration_11.html#change-3529 and add a returning(MyTable.my_field) it worked well.

But i was unable to do "returning *" or to fetch the related entity... is there something i missed?

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Dear contributor:

    This issue is being closed because it does not conform to our bug posting guidelines linked from the "Create Issue" heading of this bug tracker. Please ensure all bug reports include complete code examples that conform to the mcve guidelines, and include stack traces, database platform type, DBAPI in use. All usage questions as well as possible bugs without test cases should be reported to the SQLAlchemy mailing list. Thanks for participating!

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