pysqlite 2.8.2 does not return None for cursor.description, breaks downstream

Issue #3784 resolved
Edd Barrett created an issue


Trying to update OpenBSD's py-sqlalchemy package to 1.0.14. Three tests currently fail. py.test output below.


> /usr/ports/pobj/py-sqlalchemy-1.0.14/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/lib/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/

  48         def test_delete(self):
  49             t = self.tables.plain_pk
  50             r = config.db.execute(
  51                 t.delete().where( == 2)
  52             )
  53             assert not r.is_insert
  54  ->         assert not r.returns_rows
  55             eq_(
  56                 config.db.execute(,
  57                 [
  58                     (1, "d1"),
  59                     (3, "d3")
  60                 ]
  61             )

  30         def test_update(self):
  31             t = self.tables.plain_pk
  32             r = config.db.execute(
  33                 t.update().where( == 2),
  34                 data="d2_new"
  35             )
  36             assert not r.is_insert
  37  ->         assert not r.returns_rows
  39             eq_(
  40                 config.db.execute(,
  41                 [
  42                     (1, "d1"),
  43                     (2, "d2_new"),
  44                     (3, "d3")
  45                 ]
  46             )

980         def test_no_rowcount_on_selects_inserts(self):
 981             """assert that rowcount is only called on deletes and updates.
 983             This because cursor.rowcount may can be expensive on some dialects
 984             such as Firebird, however many dialects require it be called
 985             before the cursor is closed.
 987             """
 989             metadata = self.metadata
 991             engine = engines.testing_engine()
 993             t = Table('t1', metadata,
 994                       Column('data', String(10))
 995                       )
 996             metadata.create_all(engine)
 998             with patch.object(
 999                     engine.dialect.execution_ctx_cls, "rowcount") as mock_rowcount:
1000                 mock_rowcount.__get__ = Mock()
1001                 engine.execute(t.insert(),
1002                                {'data': 'd1'},
1003                                {'data': 'd2'},
1004                                {'data': 'd3'})
1006                 eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 0)
1008                 eq_(
1009                     engine.execute(,
1010                     [('d1', ), ('d2', ), ('d3', )]
1011                 )
1012                 eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 0)
1014                 engine.execute(t.update(), {'data': 'd4'})
1016  >>             eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 1)
1018                 engine.execute(t.delete())
1019  ->             eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 2)
(Pdb++) len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls)

Comments (9)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Hi -

    Unfortunately, I can't fix an issue without any details, such as:

    1. version of Python?

    2. version of SQLite?

    3. how are tests being run ?

    4. Full output of the test run, including all stack traces etc?

    5. reproducible every time?

    6. any downstream context? openbsd issue tracker, continuous integration servers, mailing list, etc?

  2. Edd Barrett reporter

    OK, let's start working through these.

    1) Python 2.7.12

    2) SQLite 3.9.2

    3) I just used py.test in the source directory (but with 1.0.14 installed into the system Python tree via the OS package manager).

    4) See below

    5) Yes, but I notice it only fires when the Python sqlite2 package is installed.

    6) No, I'm an OpenBSD developer discovering these issues for the first time.


    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform openbsd6 -- Python 2.7.12, pytest-2.9.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /usr/local/bin/python2.7
    cachedir: .cache
    rootdir: /usr/ports/pobj/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14, inifile: setup.cfg
    plugins: capturelog-0.7
    collecting ... collected 7374 items
    test/aaa_profiling/ <- lib/sqlalchemy/testing/ SKIPPED
    test/aaa_profiling/ SKIPPED
    test/aaa_profiling/ SKIPPED
    test/dialect/ <- lib/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/ FAILED
    test/dialect/ <- lib/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/ FAILED
    test/sql/ FAILED
    =========================== short test summary info ============================
    FAIL test/dialect/
    FAIL test/dialect/
    FAIL test/sql/
    =================================== FAILURES ===================================
    ______________ SimpleUpdateDeleteTest_sqlite_pysqlite.test_delete ______________
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/ports/pobj/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/test/../lib/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/", line 54, in test_delete
        assert not r.returns_rows
    AssertionError: assert not True
     +  where True = <sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object at 0x330562daa90>.returns_rows
    ______________ SimpleUpdateDeleteTest_sqlite_pysqlite.test_update ______________
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/ports/pobj/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/test/../lib/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/", line 37, in test_update
        assert not r.returns_rows
    AssertionError: assert not True
     +  where True = <sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object at 0x3305ba38f10>.returns_rows
    _____ ResultProxyTest_sqlite_pysqlite.test_no_rowcount_on_selects_inserts ______
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/ports/pobj/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/test/sql/", line 1016, in test_no_rowcount_on_selects_inserts
        eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 1)
      File "/usr/ports/pobj/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/SQLAlchemy-1.0.14/test/../lib/sqlalchemy/testing/", line 209, in eq_
        assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b)
    AssertionError: 0 != 1
    === 3 failed, 6581 passed, 790 skipped, 1 pytest-warnings in 288.64 seconds ====
  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Yes, but I notice it only fires when the Python sqlite2 package is installed.

    OK lets dig into this, since there is no Python sqlite2 package. do you mean:



    next, note that SQLite itself "vendors" itself statically into a consuming application. So the version of SQLite you have there may not be what's being used. Go into Python to get the right versions of things (send me this output):

    $ python
    Python 2.7.12 (default, Jul 18 2016, 10:55:51) 
    [GCC 6.1.1 20160621 (Red Hat 6.1.1-3)] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import sqlite3
    >>> sqlite3.sqlite_version
    >>> from pysqlite2 import dbapi2
    >>> dbapi2.sqlite_version

    the issue we're seeing above is basically related to sqlite and/or the DBAPI itself.

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner

    hey good news, pysqlite locally does the same thing. this is a pysqlite vs. sqlite3 difference.

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