Comparator on Variant field

Issue #3855 closed
Jiří Kunčar created an issue

The comparator factory for Variant field doesn't lookup the engine specific implementation.

    def comparator_factory(self):
        """express comparison behavior in terms of the base type"""
        return self.impl.comparator_factory

I would expect something like:

    def comparator_factory(self):
        """express comparison behavior in terms of the base type"""
        return self.load_dialect_impl(FIXME).comparator_factory

There is a workaround which more or less works for me but it is not ideal:

    TestJSONType = sa.JSON().with_variant(
        postgresql.JSONB(), 'postgresql'
        mysql.JSON(), 'mysql'

    class TestJSON(db.Model):
        __tablename__ = 'test_json'

        pk = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
        js = sa.Column(TestJSONType)
    from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

    def variant_comparator(column):
        """Dialect specific comparator."""
        return column.type.load_dialect_impl(

    TestJSON.js.comparator = LocalProxy(lambda: variant_comparator(TestJSON.js))

So later I would like to do: TestJSON.js['foo'].astext

Comments (7)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    By design this is not possible. You'll note here:

        def comparator_factory(self):
            """express comparison behavior in terms of the base type"""
            return self.load_dialect_impl(FIXME).comparator_factory

    where would you get FIXME from? Here's an expression:

    expr = some_json_column['foo']

    There's no dialect there. If you envisioned some other way of this working please show me what you mean.

    If you have a comparator that you'd like to take place, that type should be the leading type, not the variant.

  2. Jiří Kunčar reporter

    Just an idea:

    class DynamicVariant(sa.types.Variant):
        def __init__(self, base, mapping, dialect_proxy=None):
        def comparator_factory(self):
            # return factory of comparator proxy using dialect proxy

    Usage with Flask(-SQLAlchemy):

    TestJSONType = DynamicVariant(sa.JSON(), {
        'postgresql': postgresql.JSONB(),
    }, dialect_proxy=LocalProxy(lambda: db.engine.dialect if has_app_context() else None))
  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    the simple answer is that the comparator has to return objects that can be correctly interpreted by all the backends that you need.

    What I actually need to know here is what operations you specifically need to work on the base JSON type that do not work when translated to JSONB.

  4. Jiří Kunčar reporter

    We had a piece of code that tries to run specific JSONB query if available otherwise it fallbacks to for-loop or Elasticsearch.

    if == 'postgresql':
           TestJSON.js[('foo', 'bar')].astext / has_key / contains / ...

    see vs

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner

    yup here's how you do that, when you need to call explicit operators you need to cast to that type first:

    from sqlalchemy import type_coerce
    print type_coerce(, JSONB())['bar'].astext == 'foo'
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