Old entity returns after joinedload usage

Issue #3922 closed
Dima Kukushkin created an issue


I've got strange behaviour when querying entity already loaded with joined load. Here is some example:

class Company(Base):

    __tablename__ = 'company'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True, nullable=False)
    name = Column(String(255), nullable=False)

class Account(Base):

    __tablename__ = 'account'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, unique=True, nullable=False)
    company_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey('company.id', ondelete='SET NULL'), nullable=True, index=True)

    company = relationship('Company', foreign_keys=company_id, uselist=False, backref=backref('accounts', uselist=True))

# Try to load account, then change company in concurrent transaction, then query for company

# Begin transaction READ COMMITTED
account = db.query(Account).options(joinedload('company')).filter_by(company_id=company_id)
old_company_name = account.company.name
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Here we start concurrent transaction in another terminal session to change company name [1]
company = db.query(Company).with_for_update(of=Company, key_share=True).filter_by(company_id=company_id).one_or_none()
assert company.name != old_company_name # It fails!

Concurrent transaction:

db=# begin;
db=# select name from company where id=123 for no key update of company; # here we will press [c]ontinue in first transaction to check that it will wait 2nd commited
db=# update company set name = 'new_name' where id=123;
db=# commit;

I would like to say that sometimes db.query(Company).with_for_update(of=Company, key_share=True).get(company_id) returns None, while row with this id is present in the table all time.

SQLAlchemy version is 1.1.5 PostgreSQL 9.5

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    also this call is invalid:

    company = db.query(Company).with_for_update(of=Company, key_share=True).filter_by(company_id=company_id).one_or_none()

    Company does not have a company_id column. If you need any further help please put a COMPLETE test case (see mcve). For the "concurrent transaction" part use a new Session on the same Engine.

  2. Dima Kukushkin reporter

    Michael, thank you! It seems that populate_existing() will help!

    But, can you explain why some time (in very very rare cases) db.query(Company).with_for_update(of=Company, key_share=True).get(company_id) returns None, while company is present in table all the time?

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I'd gather company_id is not what you think it is, but that's why id need to see a fully reproducing test case.

  4. Dima Kukushkin reporter

    I cant put here fully reproducing testcase bcs It occurs 1-2 times in 35k runs. This 'strange' query, which returns None, is placed in a middle of transaction. We do not modify identity_map, company_id is integer becase we are using something like account.company_id from example above.

    We will try prepopulate_existing() though.

    You can close this issue, thank you very much for help!

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner

    you're running the above test with a manual "pdb.set_trace()" 35K times ? :)

    If you write a script that shows the concurrency situation using two sessions, it can be put into a loop for 35K iterations.

    as it stands it seems this is some in-production issue and only if you ran sql echoing could that show what's going on, it's likely something to do with the design of the application in this regard.

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