help with defining new oracle types

Issue #393 resolved
Former user created an issue

Oracle data types include RAW, NVARCHAR2, and others. I have attempted to create these datatypes by defining a new class in Creating metadata with auto fails when it is still unable to recognize these data types. Other than defining them in a new class, is there something else that needs to be done?

Comments (6)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    OracleRaw is already there. reflection of types requires that they are present in the ischema_names dictionary the way the other types are.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    On the same note, type "LONG" (a legacy type) is not supported, I had some success with defining it as "OracleText" in ischema_names in the release version.

        'FLOAT' : OracleNumeric,
        'DOUBLE PRECISION' : OracleNumeric,
    +    'LONG' : OracleText,

    I do not know whether this type should also belong to the binary ones. (ORACLE_BINARY_TYPES) Since I am working with the release version which does not have or use this variable at all, i can't tell what difference it would make.

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