SQLAlchemy with cx_oracle does not recognize UROWID type

Issue #4023 resolved
Peter Karimeddini created an issue

Database: Oracle 11g Relevant substring of error message: python3.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/base.py:1334: SAWarning: Did not recognize type 'UROWID' of column

Oracle's UROWID is a type for referring to either the logical or physical address of a row. I am reading reference tables (and thus have no control over the DB design nor can I read the actual data), one of which contains rule exceptions for specific rows across many unrelated tables (hence using UROWID since you can't FK to multiple tables). Even if this was just implemented as Binary, it would be appreciated, as I can't load this table since the UROWID column is the PK.

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    why can't it be loaded? the warning just means it will use "NULLTYPE", but you still should have a column with primary_key=True.

  2. Peter Karimeddini Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks, that helped me realize my problem. I had thought it wasn’t able to read the data from a NULLTYPE column, but it was choking on "str(col.type)" in the same statement. String comparisons for column types are a lot easier IMO, but I guess it bit me this time.

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