oracle unicode

Issue #421 resolved
Former user created an issue

This test programms fails on all codecs.

#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from sqlalchemy import *

oracle = 'oracle://user:pass@oracle'

def do_test(uri, dbname, encoding):
    table = Table('testtable', BoundMetaData(uri, encoding=encoding),
        Column('testtable_id', Integer, Sequence('testable_seq'), primary_key=True),
        Column('name', Unicode(20)),

    value = u'Künstler'

    name =
    if name == value:
        print '%10s [PASS](PASS)' % dbname
        print '%10s [FAIL](FAIL)' % dbname

do_test(oracle, 'oracle', 'utf-8')
do_test(oracle, 'oracle', 'utf-16')
do_test(oracle, 'oracle', 'latin-1')

However on the same database I can store latin-1 characters via sql developer. I can also insert them manually into the database (if I use a String column) like:

table.engine.execute("insert into testtable (testtable_id, name) values (1, '%s')" % u'Künstler'.encode('latin-1'))

I see the characters truthfully reflected in sql developer. But I cannot retrieve it out again.

I'm not sure this is sqlalchemys problem, I suspect the culprit here is cx_Oracle or my DBA inexpirience (the lack thereof).

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    "utf-8" and "latin-1" pass for me. "utf-16" first gave an ORA-1406, then i increased the column size and got "UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf16' codec can't decode byte 0x00 in position 22: truncated data". this is because an oracle database is created with a specific encoding, such as utf-8, of which latin-1 and ascii can fit inside of. you might want to check what encoding your oracle database was set up with.

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