An ordered many-to-many relationship cannot be eagerly loaded

Issue #455 resolved
Former user created an issue

This example is an ''ordered many-to-many relationship''. That is, a contract has many associated projects, and vice versa. The order of the projects associated with a contract is set by the contract_project_ordinal column in the joining table, so that each contract can have projects in a different order.

However, trying to make the relationship on the contract load the projects ''eagerly'' causes this failure:

sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError: Given column 'contract_project.contract_project_ordinal', attached to table 'contract_project', failed to locate a corresponding column from table 'project_51e5'

The following is a working example. To cause the failure, uncomment the lazy=False in contract_mapper on line 44.

from sqlalchemy import *

import logging

uri = 'sqlite:///:memory:'

contract = Table('contract',
    Column('contract_id', Integer,
           Sequence('metadata_seq'), primary_key=True)

project = Table('project',
    Column('project_id', Integer,
           Sequence('metadata_seq'), nullable=False, primary_key=True)

contract_project = Table('contract_project',
    Column('contract_project_contract_id', Integer,
           primary_key=True, autoincrement=False,
    Column('contract_project_project_id', Integer,
           primary_key=True, autoincrement=False,
    Column('contract_project_ordinal', Integer,

class Contract(object):
    def __init__(self, contract_comment):
        self.contract_comment = contract_comment

class Project(object): pass

class ContractProject(object): pass

project_mapper = mapper(Project, project)

contractproject_mapper = (ContractProject, contract_project)

contract_mapper = mapper(Contract, contract, properties = dict(
    projects = relation(Project, secondary = contract_project, #lazy = False,

engine = default_metadata.engine
session = create_session()

contract.insert().execute({'contract_id': 1})
project.insert().execute({'project_id': 1})
contract_project.insert().execute({'contract_project_contract_id': 1,
                                  'contract_project_project_id': 1,
                                  'contract_project_ordinal': 0})
project.insert().execute({'project_id': 2})
contract_project.insert().execute({'contract_project_contract_id': 1,
                                  'contract_project_project_id': 2,
                                  'contract_project_ordinal': 1})


# where the action is

print '************* query ***********'
c = session.query(Contract).get_by(contract_id=1)

print '************ contract ***********'
print str(c)

print '************* projects ************'
print str(c.projects)

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    test passes with recent fixes in the trunk (5ce214c7d43a0a0f57785a512272ec2102139fa2). also, the usual pattern for an association table that contains extra columns is the association object pattern where the extra column would be explicitly mapped (but only because the scenario you have prevents the session/mappers from writing data to that column).

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