after an expire on an object with lazy loaded attributes, attributes instances are not updated

Issue #492 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have attached a test script that reproduces the problem, with some comments.

I do not know if I used the session.expire correctly, however I think this is a bug of SQLAlchemy.

The output of the script is:

manlio@synapsis:~/projects/bugs/sqlalchemy$ python
foo instance, x=x and bar=[instance, y=y](bar)
foo instance, x=x and bar=[instance, y=y](bar)
foo instance, x=x and bar=[instance, y=y](bar)

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    we never had implemented "refresh-expire" cascade, so this operation never cascaded. i put an initial implementation in changeset:2360 which passes this test and also a basic unit test added.

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