MSSQL fetching inserted ID when table has a trigger

Issue #537 resolved
paj created an issue

MSSQL has trouble fetching the inserted ID, when you insert into a table with a trigger. In fact, it's only some triggers - those that cause a row to also be inserted in a different table.

There was a good thread on the mailing list:

Turns out there's two problems here. First, pyodbc cannot cope with the multiple result sets that are returned. A workaround for this is to issue "set nocount on" which prevents this. Issuing that isn't a problem, as pyodbc doesn't reliably return rowcount anyway.

Secondly, adodbapi/pymssql (and pyodbc with the workaround) return the identity for the wrong table. This is because they use @@identity; scope_identity() should returns the correct value. However, this only works on pymssql; on adodbapi/pyodbc it always returns null.

This patch adds a unit test for the condition. It adds a url flag, use_scope_identity, and if using pymssql and use_scope_identity=1, the unit test passes. The patch also automatically issues "set nocount on" for pyodbc. However, the unit test still fails.

So, while the patch is a start, we need to work with the dbapi authors to fully resolve this.

Comments (12)

  1. paj reporter

    Ok, here's a twist, scope_identity() can work in pyodbc, this prints "1":

    import pyodbc db = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};Server=.;Database=test;TrustedConnection=Yes') cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('create table test (id int identity(1,1), val varchar(50))') cur.execute("insert into test (val) values ('abc')") cur.execute('select scope_identity() as fred') print cur.fetchone()0 cur.execute('drop table test')

    So why, oh why, does it not work inside SQLAlchemy. Hmmmmmm

  2. paj reporter
    import pyodbc
    db = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};Server=.;Database=test;TrustedConnection=Yes')
    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute('create table test (id int identity(1,1), val varchar(50))')
    cur.execute("insert into test (val) values ('abc')")
    cur.execute('select scope_identity() as fred')
    print cur.fetchone()[0](0)
    cur.execute('drop table test')
  3. paj reporter

    Ah, but if the insert statement uses bind parameters, the problem does happen!

    cur.execute("insert into test (val) values (?)", 'abc') cur.execute('select scope_identity()') -> None

  4. paj reporter

    No answer so far; I suggest we apply what we've got so far and leave the ticket open but at low priority.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    (original author: ram) Committed in 2577, thanks. I made @@scope_identity the default: it's been in since MSSQL 2000.

    Leaving ticket open as suggested for now.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    It is a scope problem. ODBC executes insert statements through the procedure sp_executesql. (I think the underlying SqlClient calls the procedure) The insert statement is executed within the scope of the procedure. The next execute with a select scope_identity() will be executed within another scope. No id is returned. Both statements have to be executed with one call to execute(): "insert ... select ?=scope_identity()" Two statements in one call will be executed in the same scope inside the procedure sp_executesql. The id is returned as result set in my own test applications. Not as out parameter.

    Regards, Michael

  7. paj reporter

    Michael Jahn has done some great work moving this forward. He has created a patch for pyodbc that adds the nextset() method, and a patch for SQLAlchemy to make use of this. Right at the moment, the patch causes a number of other unit tests to fail. I will be looking at how to reduce them as I get a chance.

    Binaries for Michael's revised version of pyodbc are attached to this ticket (Windows, Python 2.4 and 2.5). So is his original patch.

  8. paj reporter

    Ok, I've done some more work on this and now it only causes a handful of unit test failures (and then only when use_scope_identity=1) so it's just about ready to commit. Before I do, I'm just going to see if I can nail the last few failures.

  9. paj reporter

    Ok, they were pretty trivial failures in the end, just the SQL test cases needed fixing to expect the "; select scope_identity()".

    Committed in 2875 Thanks Michael!

  10. paj reporter

    PyODBC 2.0.37 has just been released, with the nextset method included. With changeset 3215 SA automatically sets use_scope_identity if a suitable version of PyODBC is installed.

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