Problem querying with mutiple joins to the same table

Issue #554 resolved
Former user created an issue

Our application has a state transition table, where legal transitions are represented by rows containing 'source' and 'destination' fields, each of which are foreign keys to the same table.

With this model, the same two very similar lines of code do not behave the same - querying by ID returns the expected result but querying by object returns None.

Both these calls should give the same result, right?

print 'query by ID: %s' % ValidStateTransition.get_by(,

print 'query by object: %s' % ValidStateTransition.get_by(src=state1, dst=state2)

I will attach a full test case.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner


    whereas the results of the join_by condition previously returned

    (( = ?) AND = valid_state_transition.src_id) 
    (( = ?) AND = valid_state_transition.dst_id)

    it now leverages the same mechanism as the new with_parent() call to produce

    (? = valid_state_transition.src_id) AND (? = valid_state_transition.dst_id)
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