Sequence enhancement

Issue #584 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm working on a fairly large project that uses PostgreSQL as the back-end. I use many sequences in many different namespaces, and I wrote a small patch that enhances the Sequence object a bit.

I added two attributes to the Sequence object: "schema" and "current".

The first one is similar to the "schema" attribute of the Table object; the second one holds the last value extracted from the sequence.

The patch fixes a bug in the quoting of sequence names during an insert.

This patch, based on the trunk, is incomplete, currently it only works with PostgreSQL: before completing it, I'd like to know whether this work may be of interest to anyone else. Thank you.


Comments (9)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    i like it a lot. however the issue in PGDefaultRunner.get_column_default() is that method is executed a lot, literally for every INSERT statement, and its too expensive to create a new Sequence object every time. thats why it uses the straight string execute. the two ways to fix this are either to attach a Sequence object to the Column under a name like "_pg_sequence" or similar, or to apply the identifier_preparer to just the strings by themselves without passing a Sequence.

    so if we work that out then this could be implemented for all the sequence-supporting DBs.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Replying to zzzeek:

    i like it a lot. however the issue in PGDefaultRunner.get_column_default() is that method is executed a lot, literally for every INSERT statement, and its too expensive to create a new snip

    I'm glad :)

    I rewrite my patch, and following your advices, I try another approch.

    1. I add the code to reflect a Sequence from the db and add it as the default attribute of a column
    2. When a primary_key column is created I add a Sequence object as the default attribute of the column

    What do you think?

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.6.0

    I'd like to support "next" and "current" SQL expressions, probably as SQL functions, in some comprehensive way.

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner

    as far as this ticket, we've got schema in sequence. the current part of it definitely isn't going to scale since the state of a sequence changes independently of a single application - you need to query the DB for the currval() of a sequence in all cases.

    adding currval is something we should do.

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