convert_unicode=True not afecting Postgresql TEXT column

Issue #591 resolved
Former user created an issue


I'm having a problem dealing with a Postgresql TEXT Column.

>>> import sqlalchemy as sa
>>> from turbogears.database import session
>>> test = session.get(Test, 2)
>>> test.unicode_field
u'<p>Despu\xe9s de varias semanas de hesitaci\xf3n'
>>> test.text_field
'<p>Despu\xc3\xa9s de varias semanas de hesitaci\xc3\xb3n

I'm using SqlAlchemy within TurboGears and setup the connection with both attribute [BR]sqlalchemy.encoding='utf-8' [BR]sqlalchemy.convert_unicode=True

I would expect the last one to affect Text data type as well, so I guess it's a bug. Or is it a feature and I am missing using something ?

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I think I've been mixing wrong config files. Should be closed as invalid. Sorry about that.


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