MSSQL does not escape table names when reflecting tables

Issue #653 resolved
Former user created an issue

If one has a "user" or "key" or "select" table, the MSSQL library will fail to reflect it. Suggested patch attached.

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I failed to select the component when I originally submitted this bug. zzzeek, would you please re-assign this to the mssql component (and maybe reassign it also)?

  2. paj

    Good spot, thanks for this. And your fix looks good.

    I've done a bit more work on this, including creating a unit test. I've noticed SQLite has the same bug, which I've fixed. There was another similar issue in MSSQL with the "set identity_insert ..." mode, which I've fixed too.

    My only concern is that we're creating quite a few IdentifiedPreparer objects with this approach. I'll ask Mike if there's a better way.

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