[PATCH] Adding Time support to MS-SQL

Issue #679 resolved
Former user created an issue

This patch add an engine specific type, MSTime, which use the DATETIME mssql type.

The actually stored value is a datetime with a date set to 1900-01-01, as it's the default date in mssql when only a time is given (cf http://vyaskn.tripod.com/searching_date_time_values.htm).

The concerned unittest (sql.testtypes.DateTest) is also patched in two ways : - the Time type is tested - the tested values are rounded to the nearest 3.33 milliseconds, as it is the precisions of datetime values in MS-SQL.

The unittest DateTest runs successfully on linux with pymssql 0.8.0.

Note that with this patch, querying on Time columns with comparison operators should be ok, but probably not if other operators ('+', '-') are used in the expression. Maybe another patch could fix that, but my skills in SA are not (yet) at the required level.



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