extend indexes to accept expressions as well as columns

Issue #695 resolved
jek created an issue

indexes (postgres and mysql, at least) can be defined as expressions as well as simple column lists.

the mysql case isn't really free-form expressions ala postgres, it's 2 options (substring length, sort order) and that can be composed as an expression. so, alternately, indexes could be definable with expressions and/or per-column meta data.

a survey of other dialects would be handy, i'm a pretty rusty on their ddl.

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    here's a rudimentary patch to add it to 0.8. Needs some cleanup, as it is trying to reconcile an arbitrary SQL expression with the desire to have a simple table-bound column present - to this degree it is somewhat outgrowing ColumnCollectionMixin.

    Also needs implementation for mysql, sqlite.

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