Autoload indexes in postgres

Issue #714 resolved
Former user created an issue

Add index handling to reflecttable for Postgres to allow richer results from autocode & similar tools.

The attached patch (against current trunk), has been tested against unique & non-unique and single & multiple column indexes. See #663 for a similar patch for MySQL.

My use case for this is to aid conversion from another ORM. It also allows me to distribute my schema in a db portable way, plus I find it simpler to use sqlalchemy's toolset when moving between/promoting to different environments than it is to use a GUI db modeling tool.

-Ken Kuhlman

Comments (12)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    hi -

    the patch looks very good. would it be possible for you to also add a short unit test to test/dialect/ ?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Sure thing.. it's attached. Should it be in test/engine/ though, if you're going to accept #663 too?


  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    although, if we are reflecting aspects of the index which are PG-specific, those might be tested within the dialect module. havent looked at your patch yet tho :).

  4. jek

    This seems to explode when there are expression-based indexes on the reflected table:

    create index idx1 on tbl1 ((col1 + col2))
  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Nice catch.. thanks!

    I've moved the original test to test/dialect/ (with supported('postgres') ), added postgres-specific tests for expression-based & partial indexes, and changed the reflection to warn & skip expression-based indexes. Partial indexes are reflected without the predicate & a warning is generated.

    In the DBMS I'm used to, these would be materialized views, but adding that to sqlalchemy is a bigger dragon than I'm equipt to slay.

    Fixing the reflection was straight-forward, but it took me a couple of attempts to figure out how to test for warnings. Hopefully the solution I added to test/dialect/ is suitable.

    Attachment is reflect_indexes_with_tests.patch

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