clarify examples/*py with explicit imports

Issue #717 resolved
jek created an issue

"trw: It would make the examples a lot easier for me (a complete newbie) to read if you would not use "import *", but instead listed out the functions you are importing. For example, looking at , I can't easily tell where to find "mapper". I can find it by searching through , but I wish I could just find its full"

This would help solidify the seperation of concerns in the sql / orm layers too. Also, if this gets done, run pyflakes on all of these to check for cruft.

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Here's a patch. There are still some examples that don't run on 0.5/trunk. -Adam Lowry

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Failures on: examples/pickle/ examples/polymorph/ examples/polymorph/ examples/vertical/dictlike-polymorphic

    And a SADeprecationWarning ono examples/elementree/

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