add nullsfirst() and nullslast() column ordering operators

Issue #723 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue
OK just to double check, the syntax looks like:




?  i.e. is "DESC"/"ASC" before the "NULLS" part ?  or doesn't matter ?

It does matter according to Firebird Null Guide:

Comments (20)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Just so you don't think nobody needs this anyway: I'd really be happy if this could be implemented, I need it quite frequently.

  2. Mike Bayer reporter

    if you'd like to try your hand at a patch + unit test its fairly straightforward...otherwise we'll get to it at some point...

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    With a little mentoring I might work in this bug and try to provide a patch for it. Do you see it possible, zzzeek? (since I can't find how to create an account, I will keep checking back for updates).

    Regards, Mariano

  4. Mike Bayer reporter

    I can add your email as a CC here. Sure, patches are welcome against the latest tip if they include unit tests.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    with unittest is the only way I work :) My email is mariano.mara at gmail dot com. Let me see if I can understand what's going on under the hood. I will add my questions here.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Suddenly, I need this feature too.

    Any news from Mariano?

    If none, zzzeek, could you please point some starting points: where to begin, where to put code, similar places, tests?

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Replying to guest:

    Suddenly, I need this feature too.

    Any news from Mariano?

    If none, zzzeek, could you please point some starting points: where to begin, where to put code, similar places, tests? Please add as a CC.

  8. Mike Bayer reporter

    nullsfirst/nullslast would probably be implemented the same way desc() and asc() are implemented - as a unary operator. If you dig through the implementation of asc/desc, it would almost be a copy-and-paste job. tests would be in test/sql/ and test/sql/ (since these are standard SQL operators).

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Sorry for lack of updates, I started working on it but got dragged by work. Still in my TODO list though.


  10. Former user Account Deleted

    Up again! =)

    Made an attempt to implement nullsfirst and nullslast. Didn't test on a real database yet, but something bothers me and I'd like to ask. As mentioned above "NULLS FIRST" modifier must be the last one in "ORDER BY MYTABLE.MYCOLUMN DESC NULLS LAST", but my straightforward implementation allows this:

    and produces this:

    SELECT myothertable.otherid, myothertable.othername 
    FROM myothertable ORDER BY myothertable.otherid NULLS FIRST DESC

    Is it ok and we leave this issue to the user to use that properly?

  11. Mike Bayer reporter

    the slicker way would be if desc() and asc() received nullsfirst/nullslast and returned an appropriate structure. here's where everything in being a function helps.

  12. Former user Account Deleted

    Do you mean something like that?

    def desc(column, nulls = None):
        """Return a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.
        Optional argument can be one of 'first' or 'last' to produce ``NULLS LAST`` or ``NULLS FIRST`` clause.
          order_by = [nulls = 'first')](desc(table1.mycol,)
        column = _UnaryExpression(column, modifier=operators.desc_op)
        if nulls == 'first':
            column = nullsfirst(column)
        elif nulls == 'last':
            column = nullslast(column)
        return column

    or like that

    def desc(column, modifier = None):
        """Return a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.
          order_by = [modifier = nullsfirst)](desc(table1.mycol,)
        column = _UnaryExpression(column, modifier=operators.desc_op)
        if modifier is not None:
            column = modifier(column)
        return column
  13. Mike Bayer reporter

    I mean have the desc() unwrap what it gets and fix the ordering, like:

    def desc(expr):
        if expr_is_a_nullsfirst(expr):
            return nullsfirst(desc(get_the_nullsfirst(expr))
        elif ....

    ultimately I think people would usually be calling this as col.desc().nullsfirst()

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