implement ilike() operator

Issue #727 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

the "ilike" operator is present in sql.Operators. lets wire it up, and have produce "lower(x) like lower('foo')" (or somehow lowercase the right-side bind param) for those DBs that dont have ilike (or in mysql, perhaps just produce "like"?).

Comments (4)

  1. jek

    that's still more or less correct for mysql- LIKE uses the column collation, which is most likely lowercase but no guarantee. lower() might even noop in that case. i think the "most correct" way using COLLATE would require knowing the column character set, which is untenable.

  2. Mike Bayer reporter

    this is so ready to be done and comes up all the time....its just a few op()s and some unit tests. time to do it !

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