hasttr/__getattr__ loop in schema.Column

Issue #74 resolved
J Pellerin created an issue

There appears to be a loop in {{{schema.Column.getattr}}}. When I run under pdb, it looks like an infinite loop: the column calls {{{hasattr(self, 'table')}}} in _set_parent, that results in {{{self.getattr('table')}}}; {{{getattr}}} then calls {{{hasattr(self,'_impl')}}}, which calls {{{self.getattr('_impl')}}}, which calls {{{hasattr(self, '_impl')}}} ... and so on. If you add a print in {{{getattr}}} you can see {{{getattr('_impl')}}} is called many, many, many more times than necessary (992 per column!).

I'm not sure why this works at all, but I think it might be working (outside of my test runner, where it locks) because it raises a recursion error inside of a hasattr() call, which traps and discards it.

I've attached an example that monkeypatches {{{Column.getattr}}} to trace the calls and print stats. Much easier than hitting 's' in pdb 992 times.

The implementation in {{{check_getattr()}}} in the attachment (minus the stat collection) is my proposed fix.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    holy. crap.

    ok, the fix is to just call the dict instead of using hasattr, changeset:1024

    running alltests.py with sqlite now is 3-4 seconds faster.

    going to release 0.1.2 right now, i cant have a bug like that out there....

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