add "on delete" and "on update" to ForeignKey ?

Issue #75 resolved
Former user created an issue

i've looking for on delete and on update actions functionality, ie. on delete cascade. i've been using a foreign key subclass below and some db specific engine changes (attached) in get_col_spec method (though its straight ansi afaik, though not in mysql till 5.0), the affects of this on in memory representation of relation collections aren't clear to me, ie. if this is a use case where such bookkeeping would be nesc. even if its not such a case, this functionality is something i'd like to see in sqlalchemy, as on delete/on update fk column action specification is really helpful, i think.

# requires corresponding database specific generator changes ( see
# attached pg sample)

class ForeignKeyWithAction( rdb.ForeignKey ):

    allowed_change_actions = ( None,
                              'set null',
                              'set default', )

    def __init__(self, column, on_delete=None, on_update=None):

        rdb.ForeignKey.__init__( self, column )

        self.on_delete = self.on_update = None

        if on_delete:
            assert on_delete in self.allowed_change_actions
            self.on_delete = "ON DELETE %s"%on_delete

        if on_update:
            assert on_update in self.allowed_change_actions
            self.on_update = "ON UPDATE %s"%on_update



--- (revision 1023)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -312,7 +312,14 @@
         if column.primary_key and not override_pk:
             colspec += " PRIMARY KEY"
         if column.foreign_key:
-            colspec += " REFERENCES %s(%s)" % (column.column.foreign_key.column.table.fullname, 
+            colspec += " REFERENCES %s(%s)" % (column.column.foreign_key.column.table.fullname,
+            if hasattr(column.foreign_key, 'on_delete') and column.foreign_key.on_delete:
+                colspec += " " + column.foreign_key.on_delete
+            if hasattr(column.foreign_key, 'on_update') and column.foreign_key.on_update:
+                colspec += " " + column.foreign_key.on_update
         return colspec

     def visit_sequence(self, sequence):

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    (original author: kapil) re this being ansi compliant and implemented, i spent a few minutes googling found a few explicit references to this being part of sql-92 ansi standards for referential integrity actions

    google cache of ppt on sqlserver impl

    both reference it as being part of the standard.

    in terms of implementation, every db i've looked at supports this (postgres, oracle, firebird, sqlserver, mysql), the only laggard being mysql's support till v5, as support previous to that had idiosyncratic behavior and was non standards compliant, see some of the comments from the link below for more details.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    (original author: kapil) in terms of other constraint and action items that might be of interest for schema module.

    check constraints for columns

    unique constraint for column

    mysql does not support check constraints, however i'd rather not have all of sqlalchemy dummed down to mysql inadequacies, considering that all the others i checked for this feature do implement it (oracle, postgres, firebird). i think it better instead to support the feature, with standard engine option of warn_unsupported or some such, which when features not supported in schema are utilized determines if the engine operates silently without processing the additional instructions, or instead raises an exception ( probably better if both log).

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    on delete and on update got added with the ForeignKeyConstraint addition. "check" and "unique" constraints arent too hard to add eihter, although "unique" has some collision with "UNIQUE INDEX", with regards to the question of what should the "unique=True" flag on column create. separate ticket/whatever can be opened for "check" and "unique".

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