column_mapped_collection, etc. can change keys after DB roundtrip

Issue #788 resolved
Former user created an issue

Working off of the example at:

Specifically, the line:

item.notes['color']('color') = Note('color', 'blue')

I realized that one could do the following (forgive the verbosity, but it's a full example that could be executed):

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import column_mapped_collection
from sqlalchemy.util import *

engine = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=False)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True, transactional=True)
session = Session()
metadata = MetaData()

table_withdict = Table("withdict", metadata,
        Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column("name", String(255)))

table_kv = Table( "key_value", metadata,
        Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column("withdict_id", Integer, ForeignKey("")),
        Column("key", String(255)),
        Column("value", String (255))

metadata.create_all( engine )

class ClassWithDict(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

class KeyValue(object):
    def __init__(self, key, value):
        self.key = key
        self.value = value

mapper(KeyValue, table_kv)

mapper(ClassWithDict, table_withdict, properties={

md = ClassWithDict("foo")
md.kv_dict[gets ignored"]("this) = KeyValue("1", "one")
md.kv_dict[gets ignored also"]("this) = KeyValue("2", "two")

print md.kv_dict

md = session.query(ClassWithDict).filter( == "foo").one()
print md.kv_dict


{'this gets ignored': <main.KeyValue object at 0xb7a6fbac>, 'this gets ignored also': <main.KeyValue object at 0xb7a7450c>}

{u'1': <main.KeyValue object at 0xb7a7a72c>, u'2': <main.KeyValue object at 0xb7a7a6ec>}

This seems broken. I think that the underlying idea might have to change. Something like (keeping the above example classes):

mapper(ClassWithDict, table_withdict, properties={
    "kv_dict":relation(KeyValue, colleciton_class=something_dict_collection(
        key_from_entity=lambda kv: kv.key,
        value_from_entity=lambda kv: kv.value,
        entity_from_key_value=lambda k, v: KeyValue(k, v)

The backing dict's get/set would look something like:

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._actual_backing_dict[key](key) = self.entity_from_key_value(key, value)

    def __getitem__(self, key):

And "key_from_entity" would be used when constructing the _actual_backing_dict out of the entities from the DB.

The main downside to this is that you can't get at any nifty functionality on the KeyValue class - you're limited to accessing the value. I think that's the tradeoff you have to make to keep the semantics sorted out. The current behavior could be maintained by doing:

def setKeyAndReturn(key, kv):
    kv.key = key
    return kv

mapper(ClassWithDict, table_withdict, properties={
    "kv_dict":relation(KeyValue, colleciton_class=something_dict_collection(
        key_from_entity=lambda kv: kv.key,
        value_from_entity=lambda kv: kv,

Thanks for all the hard work - SA is a great product! Looking forward to the 0.4 full release. :)

--Eli Stevens

Comments (1)

  1. jek

    Yes, ensuring that direct assignment by key is consistent with the collection's configured keying strategy is the caller's responsibility. Assigning with an inconsistent key (or worse, keying based on a mutable property) is going to get you in trouble.

    The collections have a .set(value) method that performs a guaranteed safe assignment with automatic key behavior, and that's probably the easiest way to assign to a collection dictionary without repeating yourself. (That's what the ORM uses when populating a collection from a database load.) One could also add a key verification guard for raw __setitem__ assignments by subclassing MappedCollection or whipping up a new dict-based collection.

    The association proxy extension can provide scalar value access for dictionaries pretty much like you're looking for there.

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