CASE should not use bind parameter for THEN clause

Issue #809 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

seems like firebird has this problem as well as a dialect jek is working on

[12:01pm](12:01pm) mummra: SELECT CASE WHEN ( < 3) THEN 'lessthan3' WHEN ( >= 3 AND < 7) THEN 'gt3' END AS x,, from infos
[12:01pm](12:01pm) mummra: it works if I run it directly in IBConsole
[12:02pm](12:02pm) mummra: but since SA run it with parameters..
[12:05pm](12:05pm) mummra: SELECT CASE WHEN ( < ?) THEN ? WHEN ( >= ? AND < ?) THEN 'dd' END AS x,, from infos
[12:05pm](12:05pm) mummra: it gives me error...

i would propose for now we change CASE to not convert the param after THEN to a bind parameter.

ultimately, we should have an explicit CaseClause construct in so that dialects can make better decisions about CASE (oracle has some issues too).

Comments (5)

  1. jek

    sapdb needs this too, and a good example is in the SQL generated when the IN operator is fed an empty sequence: CASE WHEN (somecol IS NULL) THEN NULL ELSE 0 END = 1

    For somecol.in_([]) to work, the IN operator's generation must be changed to cast NULL to a numeric, i.e. NUM(NULL) in this dialect. The DB-API doesn't accept a bind parameter there, so that particular generation must inline the NULL value, which depends on #807.

  2. Mike Bayer reporter

    im proposing changing CASE across the board to not produce a bind parameter for the "THEN" clause..that way we don't depend on #807 for now (I probably need a half/full day's refactoring time to get 807 off the ground and i think it should be post-0.4.0).

  3. Mike Bayer reporter

    in no circumstances should SQLA ever produce a parameterized value as a non-bind parameter, as we do not apply quoting and this would essentially be a security hole, since it is expected that SQLA quotes all literal values unless you're using text() or literal_column().

    The docs for case() specify that if you don't want a bind param, use text(), and that works fine (as does literal_column()):

    >>> c = case([== 5, literal_column("'bar'", String))]((literal('foo')))
    >>> print c
    CASE WHEN (:param_1 = :param_2) THEN 'bar' END

    updated the docs regarding literal_column() in b01d6341611d4457b70aa1f631abe8223bd16a57.

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