Unable to use MSEnum and create_all

Issue #835 resolved
Former user created an issue

If one has a column like this: Column(u'enabled',MSEnum('f','t'),nullable=False,default=PassiveDefault('t')), the generated SQL for create_all() looks like this: enabled ENUM(f,t) NOT NULL, which is invalid - the SQL should be: enabled ENUM('f', 't') NOT NULL, and the missing quotes cause MySQL to grump.

This is in 0.3.10. I am unable to test 0.4.0 at this time.

Comments (1)

  1. jek

    The enum values are used as-is in DDL. When quoting is required it needs to be present in the Column declaration, for example Column('myenum', MSEnum("'foo'", "'bar'", "'baz'"))

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