try to auto-detect "ansi quotes" mode on mysql connections

Issue #845 resolved
jek created an issue

Ideally, the 'use_ansiquotes=True' flag for the mysql dialect would be sniffed out at connection time. Generally speaking, users probably do not know if the setting is in effect on their database.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    According to

    4 docs

    and 5 docs

    we can tell if ansi_quotes is needed if the sql_mode var contains 'ANSI_QUOTES'.

    Someone who had this issue (that was resolved by ansi_quotes=True) gave me the following output for their sql_mode:

    (we can do show variable or get it via a select):

    mysql> show variables like 'sql_mode';
    | Variable_name | Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    mysql> select @@global.sql_mode;
    | @@global.sql_mode                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select @@session.sql_mode;
    | @@session.sql_mode                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    It can be set per session, so the

    'SELECT @@session.sql_mode;'

    should always give us the right value we want (I think @@session is fine for mysql 4.0.x):

    the accompaying python would of course just be:

    'ANSI_QUOTES' in sql_mode_value.split(',')

  2. jek reporter
    • removed milestone

    Some auto-detection is now in 96549e6b8fd353a82a77938a754bd168a924385b. This is an 80% solution- the detection triggers during reflection operations. A manual setting is still needed if no reflection is done.

    The dialect needs a hook run on first pool connect to detect this most of the time, and a refactor with Dialect-per-Connection to get it right all of the time. (It's a connection-session scoped setting with dialect-modifying behavior)

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    things like server modes and such only need be detected on connect, we don't support changing of SQL modes and other global flags on an already in-use dialect. the use_ansiquotes option itself was effectively removed in 0.6, it just never got documented correctly. Some very old documentation has been fixed via #1552.

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