Oracle ignores schema argument for table_names

Issue #847 resolved
Former user created an issue

The table_names function for oracle ignores its schema argument, so all tables get loaded. It should respect its schema name and use it as a 'OWNER=:schema' where clause.

Similarly the default schema name should be set to the current user.

A simple test case where this blows up currently: 1. create two oracle users scott and scott2 2. create an identical table for both users 'testtable' 3. Try: import sqlalchemy as sa engine = sa.create_engine("oracle://scott:tiger@local") conn = engine.connect() meta = sa.MetaData() meta.reflect(schema='scott')

This blows up with an Exception because it finds two tables 'testtable' with identical names.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    hm, it does do separate users though, so I guess I should stop making that excuse....

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