Using invalid column/group name in defer(), undefer() or undefer_group() doesn't raise an exception

Issue #878 resolved
Former user created an issue

Following the model described in :

If you try to run:


... SA will ignore the group name, and run the query like if you didn't specify any undefered group. This mean more hits do database when you start accessing your photos fields...

This behavior was tested with SQLAlchemy==0.4.2dev-r3812.

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    the undefer option just puts a key in the query._attributes dictionary, and to locate those which are "unconsumed" would be strictly an addition of new steps within query, checking off some list of options that were consumed and then looking at those which are left for some kind of "unconsumed" status. But "unconsumed" options aren't really an "error" anyway, it's valid to produce a Query with a fixed set of options that should take place regardless of certain paths being present.

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