MS-SQL Date have a limited range

Issue #884 resolved
Former user created an issue

Because it rely on the SMALLDATETIME MS-SQL type, the mssql.MSDate type has a range limited to 1900-01-01 to 2079-06-06.

I suggest to make it use DATETIME instead, as there is no reason for a types.Date to have such a limit.

We could add another type, SmallDate, which implement a date type based on SMALLDATETIME.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    (original author: ram) I'm OK with this, but it breaks backward about introducing SmallDate() now, deprecating the current implementation, and making the final switch in 0.5?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    (Sorry about the delay, I had not seen your comment)

    I get your point, but what do you mean exactly by deprecating the current implementation ? Keep it SMALLDATETIME and add a warning ?

    Does it mean we introduce a "MSBigDate" type ?

    I'll propose a patch with your feedback on this.



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