Easier way to tie custom DDL to table creation / drops

Issue #903 resolved
jek created an issue

It's possible to execute custom DDL for things like special indexes and vendor features with engine.execute(), but that's not tied into metadata.create_all() and is a hassle.

To tie that in, Table could have a bucket for user-specified DDL, and it can be run at the end of each Table's create() and drop(), like constraints.

Patch with an approach attached.

Comments (9)

  1. Lele Gaifax

    This would be nice, as it would allow defining triggers on the table, for example.

    But shouldn't the name of the constructor be a capitalized word like the others?

  2. jek reporter

    That's what I was looking for feedback on. These objects are basically just expression holders, and I think it could go either way: schema.ddl() (as in sql.text()), or DDLStatement().

    Capitalized felt out of place in the first cut, probably because these aren't first class database objects. But the lower case is jarring too.

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I like it. I think DDL() is more appropriate on the schema side here and it would be nice if it could subclass SchemaItem like everything else in the package.

    I wonder if people would want it to function at the per metadata level as well:

    • to create/drop databases, schemas
    • to create users, grant permissions
  4. jek reporter

    Any thoughts on a syntax for linking them to metadata? One option is to change DDL to take a parent as arg 0 and move these outside of Table:

      t = Table('foo', metadata, ...)
      DDL(t, 'ALTER TABLE foo ...')
      DDL(metadata, 'CREATE SCHEMA ...')

    Also, choice of pre- or post-creation/drop is going to be useful. Could be in the name of the constructor (PreDDL) or as an argument.

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.4.3


    DDL(metadata, precreate="CREATE SCHEMA...")
    DDL(metadata, postdrop="DROP SCHEMA....")
    DDL(table, postcreate="ALTER TABLE foo...")


    DDL(table, postcreate="ALTER TABLE %(tablename)s...")
  6. jek reporter

    i've got a revised patch nearly ready to commit for this. just finishing the test suite. it's a new approach, the DDL() function builds on top of a simple, callable-based ddl event system. there are hooks on before and after create / drop, on metadata and tables.

    with the raw events, you can do cute tricks like insert baseline data after a table has been created:

    def fixture(table, *data):
        def run(_, tbl, bind):
            to_insert = [for c in tbl.c](dict(zip([c.key), d)) for d in data]
            bind.execute(tbl.insert(), to_insert)
    choices = Table('choices', metadata,
                    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                    Column('label', String(16)))
    fixture(choices, (1, 'Yes'), (2, 'No'), (3, 'Maybe'))

    token support is still in there, along the lines of the original sketch patch. the table and schema names are run through the identity preparer and are ready to use.

  7. jek reporter

    The latest has two loose ends:

    1. metadata-level listeners fire even for single_table.create()
    2. no support yet for engine.execute(DDL())

    But all in all it seems like a fine start to me.

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