Oracle + "long column names" + "limit query" = NoSuchColumnError

Issue #941 resolved
Former user created an issue

Following setup

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, sessionmaker
meta = MetaData()

gmasl_security = Table('gmasl_security',
    Column('security_role_id', String(length=20), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
    Column('security_desc', String(length=500)),

class Group(object):

mapper(Group, gmasl_security,
        'id': gmasl_security.c.security_role_id,
        'name': gmasl_security.c.security_desc,

def test_oracle_limit_query(bind):
    meta.bind = bind
    sess = sessionmaker()()
    qry = sess.query(Group)
    res = qry.all()
    res = qry.first()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    connstr  = 'oracle://scott:tiger@'
    engine = create_engine(connstr)
    engine.echo = True

will fail with NoSuchColumnError on the second query. See attached traceback for details.

After spelunking for couple hours in the source code I have concluded that the culprit is most likely visit_select function (source:///sqlalchemy/trunk/lib/sqlalchemy/databases/ line 655) that does not update result_map in proper places.

Unfortunately I did not manage to come up with a patch

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    the error was only revealed via long-column name truncation since column targeting falls back onto the names of columns if a column object isn't present in result_map. in this case the cleanest way was to have compiler adjust which selectable generates the result_map, instead of trying to translate things after the fact, bd3a65252d2f9155b7f2c1c6284074ba6e555d1f. thanks for the test case.

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