
Build CI/CD workflows that are intelligent

Orchestrate your software delivery journey,  for a single team or across your organization, with Bitbucket Pipelines.

Bitbucket Pipelines
Code brackets

CI/CD built into Bitbucket

No more jumping between applications. Accelerate velocity by consolidating your code and CI/CD on one platform.

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Fast time to value

No servers to set up, user management to configure, or repos to synchronize. Enable Pipelines in a few clicks and you're ready to go.

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Org-wide orchestration

Design CI/CD workflows for your organization. Standardize, automate, and choose whether to enforce, all from one place.

Pipeline visibility

Track pipeline progress, monitor logs in realtime, and debug issues without losing context.

End-to-end workflows

Connect your tools across testing, security and more to build deployment workflows that you can easily share and reuse

Hybrid runners

Scale on demand with our cloud runners, or connect to your own runners behind the firewall.

Deployment visibility

Track, preview, and monitor deployments. See which version of your software is running in each of your environments, all in one place.

Orchestrate CI/CD workflows at scale

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Standardize across teams

Set compliant, best practice CI/CD workflows at an organization level and have them instantly applied everywhere.

Improve governance

Define company-wide policies, rules, and processes as code and enforce them across every repository.

Save time for developers

Help developers focus on code by designing, building, and sharing CI/CD workflows at a platform level to empower your individual teams.

Better collaboration

Easily share build and deployment status across R&D and business stakeholders via Jira, Confluence, and the Atlassian Platform.

Instant DORA metrics

Empower development teams to improve quality and performance with DORA metrics accessed through Jira and Compass.

Easier change management

Automate change management processes with powerful integrations like deployment approval workflows in Jira Service Management.

CI/CD for all teams

Bitbucket Pipelines is fast to get started, easy to use, and scales to fit the needs of teams and organizations of any size.

Code in pipeline illustration

Easy to get started

Set up CI/CD workflows from a library of language specific templates, leverage our catalog of over 100 pre-built workflows, or custom build your own templates.

Code in pipeline illustration

Extend to your needs

Pipelines includes over 100+ out-of-the-box integrations. Need something extra? Custom build exactly what you need.

Code in pipeline illustration

Supports all platforms

Build, test, and deploy with any language, OS, or architecture. From Java to Javascript - Linux, Windows, and MacOS - with support for both X86 and ARM.

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Smarter CI/CD

Automatically adapt your CI/CD workflow at runtime based on code changes, internal compliance policies, or information stored in other tools.

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Configuration as code

Store and manage your build configurations in a single YAML file. Only 7 lines of code to get you started.

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Included in Bitbucket

Pipelines is included as part of your Bitbucket subscription. Only pay for additional build minutes.

Build a connected pipeline

Create powerful, automated CI/CD workflows with over 100 out-of-the-box integrations and the ability to customize to your organization’s needs.

Integration logos

Powering CI/CD workflows for millions of developers

Flo Logo

“It’s easier to see what caused the issue because we have CI/CD pipelines where we see all deployments, which are linked to Jira tickets, which are also linked to Confluence, Bitbucket, and Slack”

Roman Bugaev, Flo CTO

Learn more

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Join our community

Get advice from the Bitbucket team and other customers on how to get started with Pipelines.

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Check out our guides

Get step by step instructions on how to move your CI/CD workflows into Bitbucket pipelines from other tools.

Gartner logo

Watch the demo

See how to build a CI/CD pipeline using Bitbucket Pipelines to automate your AWS deployment.

Bitbucket logo

Take Bitbucket Cloud for a spin


How much does Bitbucket Pipelines cost?

Bitbucket Pipelines is included as part of your Bitbucket Cloud plan. You only pay for supplemental build minutes that go beyond the build minutes that are included in your plan each month.

Free                                         50 min / month included

Standard                             2500 min / month included

Premium                             3500 min / month included

Additional minutes         $10 / month for 1000 min

See plan details               Full details of each plan can be seen on the Bitbucket pricing page.

How is pricing determined?

Pipelines pricing is based on how long your builds take to run. Many teams will use less than the plan's minute allocation, but can buy extra CI capacity in 1000 minute blocks as needed.

How many build minutes does my team need?

We see small teams with fast builds using about 200 minutes, while teams of 5–10 devs typically use 400–600 minutes a month on Pipelines.

Is unlimited concurrency included in Bitbucket Pipelines?

Pipelines lets your team run any number of builds concurrently. Builds start as soon as code is pushed to Bitbucket, so your team doesn’t wait for agents to free up, and saves precious developer time.

How do I optimize my usage of Bitbucket to reduce build minutes?

Pipelines gives you the feedback and features you need to speed up your builds. Build times and monthly usage are shown in-product, and dependency caching speeds up common tasks.