Bitbucket Community Author Program
Love sharing your technical expertise? Join the Community Author program to create content, help other passionate developers, and build your personal brand.
What's in it for you?
Build your personal brand
Your published content includes a bio with links to your social profiles, blog or app. Teach others, develop your technical writing skills, and build credibility.
Extended reach
Your post will be shared with our extensive Community, with potential to re-publish and share on other Atlassian channels.
How it works
Apply to be an author
Check out the guidelines and apply to become an author. Join Community Authors
Get approved
Our moderators will grant writing access to you.
Write post
It’s time to share your expertise with the world!
Engage and share
Chat in the comments, and share your article on social media, HackerNews, and Reddit.
Get the ideas flowing
If you're looking for topic ideas, try one of these. Otherwise, think of one of your own!
Workflow optimization
How do you use addons, dependency management tools, etc. to optimize your workflow?
CI/CD in the cloud
What were some of the challenges with implementing CI/CD in the cloud and how did you address them?
Cool use cases for web hooks
Have you used web hooks in creative ways? Tell us how.
Code review process
How do you do code review? Tell us about your check points and process.
Managing large repos
How do you deal with the challenges that come with maintaining large repos?
Monorepos and Microservices
When is the right or wrong time to use monorepos?
Things to know
Original content
Content should be original, written by you and previously unpublished.
Please attribute all research, images and statistics with source links.
Content license
We may modify or remove content from our sites at any time. Here is our content license agreement.
After publication, you can republish on your blog with this attribution: "Originally published on ."
Sample posts from our users

Which web stack do you use? Here is a comparison of popular stacks and some tips on how to pick one.

Configuring CI for an iOS app
How do you create a quick develop-release-test feedback loop using a CI tool such as Bitrise and fastlane.

Deploying Angular apps
A step by step tutorial on how to use Bitbucket Pipelines to deploy an Angular app on a Google VM.
Need some help?
If you need help deciding on a specific topic, keep your submission broad and our editors will work with you.