
Clone wiki

MGS Canopy Algorithm / Requirements

#System requirements

Our program is suitable for running only on shared-memory machines. By default the dependencies are compiled statically into the binary, but in case your executable was compiled dynamically you must ensure that boost program options library is present on your system and accessible from LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent.

##RAM Memory When run with a matrix of ~7M points with 600 data samples each using 12 threads, the program may take up to 40GB of active memory. The memory requirement scales linearly with both number of points, number of samples and number of threads.

##CPU The program was written with parallelization as it's primary focus and it's running time should scale linearly even with high amounts of cores. There is no real minimum to the number of threads that the program should be run on but we recommend using at least 8 logical-threads(as returned by your /etc/cpuinfo).

##Disk The typical run will generate no more than one-tenth of the input size as it's output.
