Group Admin-Interface & Undeletable Group Requests

Issue #2419 resolved
Former user created an issue

In the admin interface, there are two fields for the user/group names. It is unclear why this is not like in the interface for regular users where there is only one field.

After adding the same name in both fields an error occurs and there is a pending request which cannot be removed.

So there are two bugs:

  • all group requests should be deletable
  • there should be only one name field in the admin interface

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Niebler
    • There are two "name" fields there, because we wanted an admin to create a group with a different user than himself as the designated group admin. Maybe that's not a use case anymore since any user can request a group, so maybe I just delete the whole interface?
    • I'll just fix the undeletable group requests for now until the above issue is resolved.
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