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Okapi / PortingEclipseStructureToMaven

For Those without Patience

  • If a parent pom (steps, framework, filters, etc...) does not exist in the appropriate directory, then create one like so - this is a POM project that produces no compiled code:
    <project xmlns=""
       <artifactId>build-{DIRECTORY NAME}</artifactId>
       <name>Okapi {DIRECTORY NAME} Build</name>
           <module>{CHILD DIRECTORY NAME}</module>
           <!--... etc ...-->
  • Change all {} with something valid

  • Create a src/main/java directory in the module
  • Move all source code into the new directory, creating src/main/java/net/sf ...
  • Move all non-java files from the src/main/java... directory to the src/main/resources directory, either keeping the same directory structure (package) or changing the code to load from "/"
  • Create a src/test/java directory
  • Copy all of the test code from the test module into this directory, creating /src/test/java/net/sf...
  • Move all non-java files from the src/test/java... directory to the src/test/resources directory, either keeping the same directory structure (package) or changing the code to load from "/". i.e. change ....class.loadResource("some-file.xsl") to .class.loadResource("/some-file.xsl") (if you want to).
  • Copy the following pom.xml contents in your module-directory/pom.xml file.
    <project xmlns=""
          <artifactId> (CHANGE ME) parent-artifact-id</artifactId>
       <!--Should match the directory name-->
       <artifactId> (CHANGE ME) module-artifact-id</artifactId>
       <!--Used for display purposes only-->
       <name> (CHANGE ME) Artifact Display Name</name>
            <artifactId> (CHANGE ME or REMOVE ME) common.filters</artifactId>
                  <!--All JAR projects will have this same configuration -->
                  <!-- This projects generated JAR will look like: net.sf.okapi.common.pipeline-1.0.0.jar -->
  • Change the fields that say CHANGEME
  • Type "mvn test" into the command line and verify successful build
