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SPAC (Sparql Proxy for Access Control)
SPAC is a proxy that can be deoployed on top of any SPARQL endpoint, allowing to filter the results of queries performed according the access control policies defined.
SPAC (partially) applies policies defined the PPO ontology developed by DERI. This ontology, extending Web Access Control (WAC) ontology, provides a set of axioms to define the conditions necessary for accessing some part of a RDF graph.
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Implementation status
SPAC currently implements some parts of PPO:
- ppo:resourceAsSubject
- ppo:resourceAsObject
- ppo:classAsSubject
- ppo:classAsObject
- ppo:hasLiteral
- ppo:hasProperty
Moreover, the identity system must be fully reimplemented, because the current one is only for demo purposes.
Sample of access control policy using PPO
This sample policy asserts that only the people with the rol "CTICworkmate" (using WAI) can access my phone number:
ex:policy-example a ppo:PrivacyPreference ; ppo:hasCondition [ ppo:hasProperty foaf:phone ]; ppo:hasAccessSpace [ ppo:hasAccessQuery “ASK { ?x wai:plays ex:CTICworkmate }” ] .
Usage examples
The library can be used in Java as follows:
URI endpoint; URI policiesEndpoint; String query="SELECT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"; String format="application/json"; String identifier=""; SpacAppServ serv=new SpacAppServ(endpoint, policiesEndpoint); ResultSet results=serv.executeQuery(query, format, identifier);
In addition, the SPACServlet provides a serlet-based implementation of the SPARQL access control proxy, that can be customized bt using the following set of parameters:
- request["endpoint"]: SPARQL endpoint to query
- request["policiesEndpoint"]: SPARQL endpoint to query where retrieve the policies
- request["query"]: SPARQL query to perform (compatible with the SPARQL Protocol)
- request["identifier"]: URI with the profile with the identity (WebID must deprecated this)
- request["format"]: Result format (if empty, content negotiation is performed)
This project has been partially funded by the mIO! Cenit project, developed in cooperation by Treelogic and CTIC.