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meetings / 140408_webex_6top

Minutes Webex 8 April, 6top call 6TiSCH WG

Note: timestamps in PDT.

Taking notes (using Etherpad)

  1. Xavi Vilajosana
  2. Thomas Watteyne

Attendance (alphabetically)

  1. Pat Kinney
  2. Qin Wang
  3. Raghuram Sudhaakar
  4. Thomas Watteyne
  5. Xavi Vilajosana


  • exercise on implementing 6top negotiation with YANG and CoAP
  • using CoAP to implement 6top management interface
    • How to express node address? use uri-host or not? IP address or MAC address?
    • Need observer function? use uri-port?
    • How to fragment data to fit IE payload size? use CoAP block?
  • 6top-to-6top Access Control model.
  • How to express 6top MIB and IEEE802.15.4 PIB in YANG? (comments from Juergen)


Action items

  • Qin to create a ticket before editing 6top-interface draft.
  • Raghuram to work further on how to proceed w.r.t fragmentation.
  • Qin to start thread on the ML about 6top-to-6top Access Control model.
  • Thomas to start thread on the ML about how to express 6top MIB and IEEE802.15.4 PIB in YANG.


  • _[20:05]_meeting starts
  • [Thomas] note well, minutes, attendance, etc.
  • [20:07] Qin presents the slides. Implementation exercise of the soft cell reservation process.
  • [Qin] Presents the steps to negotiate for cells between 2 nodes.
    • BWIE and ScheduleIE are used. BwIE to indicate the number of cells required; ScheduleIE to indicate which cells are candidates and eventually selected
    • Soft cell reservation response includes the number of reserved cells and the list of cells. Uses same IEs.
  • [Qin] Question is how to specify this operations within the scope of CoAP.
  • [Raghuram] Why not have the response directly in POST response?
  • [Xavi] Maybe to stick closely to CoAP spec?
  • [Qin] let's go through other options
  • [Qin] 3 possible schemes:
    • 2 resources defined: one for reservation request, another for response.
      • POST, then GET (2 operations)
    • 1 resource POST and response
      • [Qin] problem is how to separate parameters and response in the YANG model
    • 1 resource GET. Query by parameters. Response is an object representing the result.
  • [Thomas] why a payload associated to a YANG model? Consistency of the messages across different protocols. The YANG model does not say what the payload is, it just describes the MIB.
  • [Raghuram] The question if we need to maintain consistency of this model across different protocols. If we use RSVP we need to be able to use the same semantics.
  • [Xavi] do you think the format is important, or the content? Would YANG not be translatable to different protocols?
  • [Raghuram] might be disadvantageous to be too specific in YANG
  • [20:21] [Raghuram] Having 2 packets instead of 4 is an advantage from 2nd approach.
  • [Raghuram] CoAP response can be asynchronous so if computation of the schedule takes time still works.
  • [Thomas] CoAP has a capability to have requests with separate responses. Both piggybacked responses or delayed responses are possible.
  • [Raghuram] proposes to keep the GET NegotiationResult as an optional operation to be able to query latest result and in case the response is time out.
  • [Thomas] Representation of what we want to do using YANG model as RPC.

  • [Thomas] The CoAP payload then will be represented by this YANG model specification.
  • [Xavi] Express the reservation process can be expressed using RPCs and then this will be supported by any transport mechanism. e.g rsvp, coap, xmpp, etc..
  • [Thomas] RPC is meant to express this kind of interactions.
  • [Raghuram] section 7.1.1 summarizes sub-statements.
  • [Thomas] Optional fields?
  • [Qin] Need to be check. Some interactions do not need schedule IE, so how to make that optional.
  • [Xavi] fields cannot be marked as optional, only mandatory (RFC65020, section 7.9.4).
  • [Thomas] We need to be very clean when editing the draft. As it is a WG document now, we need to explain everything to the ML. Create a ticket is a good idea as well.

    Action item: Qin to create a ticket before editing 6top-interface draft.

  • _[20:44]* using CoAP to implement 6top management interface
  • How to express node address? use uri-host or not? IP address or MAC address?
    • [Xavi] Use MAC layer address as it is a L2.5 thing.
    • [Raghuram] +1
    • [Thomas] Remove it completely as MAC layer addresses are at L2 so we can use them.
    • [Raghuram] It is a good idea to keep mechanism identical to L7 CoAP, but still addresses can be inferred from l2 information as in the case of 6lowpan.
    • [Thomas] Come back to that issue when more progress in ACE.
  • [20:50] Need observer function? use uri-port?
    • [Thomas] What is the relation of uri-port and observer function.
    • [Qin] Port might be used to indicate which observing server is sending the observe.
    • [Thomas] That's not right, that's what the token is for.
    • [Qin] We need observe in PCE case: if some data changes it will trigger some recalculation on the PCE. Analogously, the 6top-to-6top case might require to trigger modifications on the neighbors, this might be dependent of the algorithm used.
    • [Thomas] Observe is optional, so if it is not present, there should be a mechanism to know if the mechanism is running on a particular node. To be checked.
  • How to fragment data to fit IE payload size? use CoAP block?
    • [Raghuram] CoAP Block, we need to come to a decision.
    • [Raghuram] Limit the payload length. Candidate list needs to be restricted. We need to determine how often this case will happen.
    • [Thomas] We need to make sure that everything will work taking into account that packets are 127B long.
    • [Thomas] As we need to reassemble, we need to have buffers to be able to reassemble at a node, this requires RAM, We need to take that into account if we want to be able to run in any very constrained device.

      Action item: Raghuram to work further on how to proceed w.r.t fragmentation.

    • [Thomas] CoAP header and IE go inside the mac layer payload. UDP headers are not considered.
  • [Thomas] Out of time, continue on ML.

    Action item: Qin to start thread on the ML about 6top-to-6top Access Control model.

  • How to express 6top MIB and IEEE802.15.4 PIB in YANG?

    Action item: Thomas to start thread on the ML about how to express 6top MIB and IEEE802.15.4 PIB in YANG.

  • [09:07] meeting ends.
