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meetings / 140620_webex_plugfest

WEBEX PLUGFEST - 06-20-2014


  • Samita Chakrabarti
  • Thomas Watteyne
  • Pascal Thubert
  • Xavi Vilajosana
  • Nicola Accettura
  • Ines Robles

Duration: 10:00 am to 10:40 am PDT

Agenda of meeting 06/20/2014 with chairs of 6lo, roll and 6tisch

Note WELL apply for this meeting:

Confirmed - Participants:

1) Cisco/Linear (Pascal and Thomas) will show BBR demo using ND

2) OpenMote (Pere) showing flow label implementation (draft-thubert-flowlabel) in OpenWSN . Pere Tuset will come.

3) OpenWSN team (showing minimal TSCH)

4) Nicola (openwsn)

5) INRIA (wireshark dissector from Vincent Ladeveze)

6) Atmel (Mati) -- Xavi '' PENDING TO BE CONFIRMED"

7) TI (TSCH implementation) -- Xavi '' NOT COMMING"

8) Tengfei Chang and Qin Wang are going to present a demo with: A new version of minimal draft network, consisting of different hardware, and Implementation of 6top draft.

9) RIOT will participate in the plugtest though Oliver Hahm and Thomas Eichinger

Maybe (To contact again to ask for confirmation ):

SICS might already be ready to show parts of the TSCH implementation in Contiki.

6lo authors will try to participate ( most implementors are in Europe, and will probably not come).

(Ulrich) asked Jürgen to show his MIB implementation. He said “We had an implementation online for a while (not sure the mote still runs, haven't checked for a while). I can bring a mote but I am not sure yet whether will have time on Sunday morning.” is going to discuss internally

Potential invites:

  • Autonomic networking: Michael Beringer.

  • 6lowpan MIB. Jurgen Juergen Schoenwaelder? -ACTION: Sent email to the 6lo-WG asking for that.

  • 6lo

  • discussion about snmp vs restconf,netconf.. etc. (coap version of that??).

  • 6tisch uses its own coap base solution

Can not make this plugfest, but maybe a next one:

Selective DIS (roll), Opportunistic routing (roll), draft-ietf-roll-mpl-parameter-configuration and draft-ko-roll-mix-network-pathology

PATIL, BASAVARAJ, changed company, he is not going to participate in the event, but he is going to be in Toronto


Are there new proposals?? - Deadline to get more topics 06-20 - No new proposals gotten.

##Guidelines document ##

  • In Progress, based in the one used in the previous plugfest
    We are going to send you when it is ready for comments (Maybe in two weeks) Open, what we expect


In Progress We are going to get a switch from Pascal, Thanks Pascal!! :-) Thomas are going to bring two switches Channel * We will be using ch.26 if we do not channel hop as Dust products will be using the rest of the channels .Need to test: devices should work in mixed wireless environment

###Specific Requirements ###

*We sent emails to the participants asking for specific requirements, Thomas, Pascal and Tengfei answered, waiting for the rest answers.

  • We are doing a list and we will send it to Stephanie, so far projector, power strips, adaptares, big tables -(with 1.2m*1.4m area) )

Announcement about the place of the Event

*We are announce the place of the Event today (06/20), the same day that the previous agenda is released

*The plugfest will take place in Salon B on Sunday, July 20th.

  • We requested to Stephanie to have the possibility to have the room at 8 am.

###Additionals ### We requested Meetecho to have the possibility to transmit the presentations online

We plan to request the presentations in advance to publish it before the event, we are going to contact the participants during the following days.

  • Laurent Velez: ETSI Organizator would like to help in the next Interoperator

Next Steps

  • Xavi and Ines: Working in the Guidelines

  • Xavi and Ines: Working in the topology

ACTION: Sent email to the 6lo-WG asking for that. 6lowpan-mib - Xavi and iNES
